[ S m a l l D i s a s t e r ]

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On the day of the dance, the day was calm... Kirishima claimed he would squeeze in a training session with his cheerleading team for the day and Bakugo agreed to do the same with his team.

At around two o'clock, however...

Bakugo gets a call from his boyfriend.
Well, his boyfriend's phone.

Sero was the one who spoke with him.


/Five Minutes Ago/

No one knows how it happened.
At one moment, everyone is agreeing on having Sero, Kirishima, and Kaminari backflip out of their spots and into their new placements to progress the performance...

And another, Kirishima is kneeling on the ground, clutching a hand over his left eyes and retching over in pain.

He's crying out suddenly, and it alarms the entire team. All of them immediately run towards him.

"Kirishima-!" Sero exclaims. "Bro, what's--!"

They all fall dead-silence when a single drop of blood drips to the floor.
And another... and another...

Until it forms a small puddle on the ground.

"Kiri-!" Kaminari squeaks.

Sero and Kaminari kneel beside him, holding his shoulder and trying to get him to respond. Sero finally raises Kirishima's head to reveal his left side of his face covered in blood, running from underneath his hand.

"K-Kirishima oh my god-!" He exclaims in slight panic. "Dude, what happened-!? Get your hand off, let me see-"

He pulls his hand away quickly,-
Aoyama gags and turns away, Ojiro covers his mouth and stares in shock, TetsuTetsu begins to pace around quickly, clueless on what to do,  as Kaminari and Sero try to rush things.

"D-Do something, you idiots!" Ojiro exclaims. 

He pushes Sero out of the way and begins to examine Kirishima's eyes, as Sero runs to do the first thing he thinks of.


"What!?" Bakugo exclaims. "Put him on the phone-!"

He hears the squeaking of Sero's shoes come to a harsh halt on the other line. He can hear his boyfriend grunting and crying out in pain...

He's pissed... scared... worried...

"Eijiro!" He calls.
"K-Katsuki-! Sero why did you call him-?!" 
"I- I dunno-!? He's your boyfriend, dude--"

Another small group of voices suddenly speak up in the background.

"Wait, 'boyfriend'--?" A curious, sick voice begins.
"Ughh-- Aoyama, not the time-!" Another voice, who sounds closer to the phone, snaps.

"What the hell is going on!? Eijiro, are you okay-?!"

"I-I'm fine, Katsuki-!"

Cheer The Jock Up! // KiriBakuWhere stories live. Discover now