[ C a t c h i n g F e e l i n g s ]

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Kirishima, dazedly smiling and humming, wanders upstairs with a filled heart.
His smile suddenly falters when he finds Sero, Kaminari, Midoriya and Todoroki all standing in front of his door.
Sero and Todoroki had their arms crossed.

"What's up guys-"
"Kirishima." Sero begins. "What were you doing...-"

He glances at the four with a confused smile. 

"I was... coming up to my dorm-?"
"You were hanging out with Bakugo." Sero speaks over him. "Do you not see what you're doing here?"
"Kiri, he's the leader of the jocks... the biggest asshole of the school- What are you doing with him-?!" Kaminari whisper-shouts.
"Don't...- Don't talk about him like that, that's so rude-" Kirishima mumbles.
"Kirishima! Open your eyes, bro!" Kaminari bursts quietly. "You're defending Bakugo Katsuki-!"
"You guys are calling him the asshole but look at what you're doing right now! What are you guys acting like right now, tell me!" Kirishima claims. 

"Kirishima," Todoroki suddenly steps in.
His voice is controlled and calm, but there's a stern tone to it. It calls everyone's attention.
"Take it from a guy of experience... You don't want to give him a chance. Deep inside, you know what kind of danger you're getting into here."
"He's rude." Sero begins.
"He's abusive." Midoriya joins.
"He's reckless." Kaminari adds.
"He's violent." Todoroki finishes. "He's sick. Mentally."
"People can change!"
"Not all of them." Todoroki responds coldly. "And he's not one to change."

Sero asks to speak with Kirishima in private, and the group leaves the two alone.
Kirishima allows Sero into his dorm and Sero immediately lays his thoughts on Kirishima.

"Talk to me... truthfully, preferably." Sero begins. "You like him, don't you-?"
"H-Hah... who, bro-?"
"Kiri don't play dumb, come on..." his eyes lock with Kirishima's. "You like Bakugo."
"No-!" Kirishima stumbles back. "No, dude-!"
"Kirishima, the more you lie, the longer we'll be here." 

Kirishima sits on his bed, trying to make himself comfortable.

"I don't have feelings for him."
"Kiri," Sero begins. "You're struggling to look into my eyes right now." He points out. "You're lying-"
"I-I'm not lying..."
"Then prove it."
"I don't have to prove myself-!"
"Why do you like him? Kiri he's literally the worst person you could fall for,-"
"I know!"

Kirishima falls back on his bed, closing his eyes in guilt.
He can't live with a lie for more than two minutes, and guilt will consume him.

"I can't help what I feel..."

Sero takes a seat on the bed as well, folding his hands on his lap and looking down at Kirishima with an upset, disappointed look in his eyes.

"So... you do like him."
"I-... I don't know, okay? I'm not sure..." Kirishima sighs. "He's just... different... he makes me feel different..."
"Fear? 'Cuz everyone feels tha--"
"Sero." Kirishima snaps quietly. "God damn it, dude...-"
"Sorry, sorry..."
Kirishima rolls his eyes and looks off to the side.
"He's not bad to me... he was acting nice-! He was funny... he wasn't making fun of me or wasn't... showing any signs of violence-"
"He's trying to gain your trust." Sero guesses. "Sorry bro, but... I dunno... I don't like this--"
"I SWEAR, I know he can change-! I can feel it-!"
"Wrong feelings."

Kirishima begins to feel agitated.
His eyes begin to sting.

"You're supposed to support me... you promised me you would support me in everything...-"
"And I do, Kirishima!" Sero begins.

Bakugo finally heads back upstairs.
He had sat alone with his own thoughts, trying to pick a few emotions apart to really just come to terms with them.

He sets foot on his floor, but slows down.
He hears... loud talking.

And a very familiar voice.

"He's trying to gain your trust. Sorry bro, but... I dunno... I don't like this--"

"I SWEAR, I know he can change-! I can feel it-!""Wrong feelings."

He slowly makes his way to his door and opens it as quietly as he can.

From inside his dorm, he could hear the conversation loud and clear.

"You're supposed to support me... you promised me you would support me in everything...-"

Bakugo's heart stings.
He's never felt like this before...
The voice sounds extremely hurt. 

"And I do, Kirishima! But I also really care about you,-- Bro, you're like my brother... I don't want you getting hurt, I'm just protecting you, s'all-!"

"You're protecting me, sure, I understand- But please just try to give my side of the story a listen!"

'Are they arguing about me? Why the fuck are they talking about me...-'

"Sure. I'll listen." There's a pause. "But then I'll give you my thoughts on what you're trying to do."

He hears an annoyed sigh. "He's not the same towards me... sure, he's not the greatest guy towards everyone else...- Yes, I remember what we saw that day,- I remember the time he punched and choked Todoroki... and the things he said- But you never know what he's going through! You can't assume things, he's probably going through the worst time of his life!"

He finds himself deep into the conversation. He doesn't notice that he's standing dead-center in his room, completely frozen and staring into absolutely nothing.

"It's just... I've... never felt this way before."

His eyes widen.

His heart begins to thump rapidly. 

"I wanna... get to know him... I wanna- What if I can help him change for the better?"

"Kiri, no.- I'm sorry, I can't bring myself to allow you--"

"Sero. I'm gonna ask you one thing..."

There's a long pause now.

"Do you control who I choose to fall for?"

And with that, Bakugo completely zones out.

His thoughts consume him.

'He's falling for me?! But why,-- The other asshole is fucking right?!'

'But... he's falling for me... shit, why do I feel so happy for that...'
'He does change me... he's saying he's gonna... try to change me for the better?'


'If I... change my person... change my attitude... will he fall for me?'

'I'll... seriously consider that.'

Cheer The Jock Up! // KiriBakuWhere stories live. Discover now