[ A D a t e T o R e m e m b e r ]

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"Eijiro, y'ready to go--?! We'll be late--!"
"Give me just another minute, handsome--"

Kirishima's been calling Bakugo that a lot, recently... and the state that Bakugo falls into each that he does is considered to be unfair by Bakugo.

He's ready, already, but dressed well...
Despite them going to the movie theater.

It's a date, of course he's dressed to impress...

As he waits, he does one last check over himself; outfit, he's content with;
The shirt that Kirishima always seems to stare at him whenever he's wearing it, the pants that Kirishima has commented on about finding "handsome on him",
Leather bracelets, soft-looking, styled, shampoo-smelling hair, and a soft cologne to bring the look together.

The door to Kirishima's dorm opens,
And Bakugo nearly stumbles back at the sight. Kirishima seems to feel the same.
But he's a giggly mess...

"Oh my god. Oh my god, you look so good..." Kirishima giggled.

"You're wearing the jacket..."

Kirishima looks down at himself, his gaze is proud as he showcases his outfit; skinny black, torn jeans, a grey t-shirt, the jacket Bakugo had given him, and a silver tag necklace, with white shoes. His hair is simply brushed back, clearly from his fingers, showing off the shaved down, nicely faded sides...

"You're so pretty."

Kirishima is flattered... he's smiling sheepishly, his cheeks are on their way to matching his dyed hair.

Kirishima reaches for his hand and holds onto it tightly, Bakugo then notices that the look his boyfriend wears is included with a pretty-looking silver watch.

"Ready to go?"
"I-- d-duh, holy shit-?"

He begins to tug Kirishima forward, towards the stairs.

"I wanna show off my boyfriend- the fuck?"

The two are giggly once they arrive... Bakugo, not surprisingly, pays for tickets and buys Kirishima candy; a pack of Twizzlers, and skittles, alongside a big bucket of popcorn and one large soda, for the two to share.

The movie theater surprisingly isn't too full, due to it being a full week after its release. They find a seat further in the back, and chat quietly through any remaining ads before the movie itself.

The two immediately love the parallels of this date...
How today, they hold hands... as they'd secretly wanted to, on their first.
Loving gazes aren't held back... and, finally, their thoughts are "I'm sure"s, rather than "I hope"s.

And to know that they love each other. To know that what they see in one another is nothing less than their entire worlds... 
And to know that, after this, they won't have to go through the awkward fear and shyness about whether or not they want to keep the day going or not; they'll just ask, without fear, due to the wall of trust they've built up for themselves.

Bakugo loves how Kirishima will squeeze his hand a little tighter, just for a second, whenever something grand happens in the movie. Whenever a jumpscare happens, he'll hold his hand tighter...

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