[ F r i e n d s A n d F i g h t s ]

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The two had arrived back home after sunset.
The two were as smiley as ever-
And it rose suspicion in everyone.

Kirishima has headed upstairs to his dorm, and gotten a few texts from Sero on his phone.

He only asked if they could hang out up at his dorm, so he exited his once again and walked up to Sero's.


"Yooo, bro! What's up--!"

Sero moves out of the way, for Kirishima to enter, and Kirishima finds Kaminari laying on his back, on the bed. His head is hanging off the edge.

"Kam! What's up bro!"
"Hey dude..."

The door closes, and the two sit down.
Kirishima is the only one looking happy and hyped out of the three.

"Where have you been the entire day?" Sero asks. He sounded a bit hurt.
"Oh I was on a da-! A... date...!"
"Oh, for real-?!" Kaminari's mood lightened. "Bro! Wait, but I thought you said you wanted to wait a little longer until you started looking for g--"
"Who'd you go with?" Sero cuts over kaminari.

Kirishima looks to the side and shrugs.


Kaminari's eyes widen while Sero's close in disappointment.

"Dude...- You're gay...?" Kaminari asks quietly.

They fall silent.

"Why didn't you ever tell me...?"
"I thought you would have caught on by now-"
"Does Sero know?"
"I-... Yeah, I know about it- I have for a long time-"
"'For a long time'-? Bro,--" Kaminari continues.
"I'm sorry...-" Kirishima sighs quietly.
"For what, not outing yourself to your friend or for going on a date with Bakugo?"

Now it's Kirishima's turn to change his mood.

"Sero we talked about this."
"And I'll talk about it again."
"You don't control who I go out with!"
"But friends are allowed to care about each other, aren't they-?! Kiri, bro-... You really don't know what you're getting yourself into--"

"I'm getting myself into something you shouldn't be a part of." Kirishima growls lowly. "That neither of you should, really. Who I go out with isn't anyone else's business, except my own."

Two silent seconds roll by.

"You two don't know him. And I've only gone on one date with him, sure,- But I'm going as bold and far as saying that I already know him better than so many other people. He's a completely different person than the monster ALL OF YOU are painting him to be."

Now he's feeling angered.
And everytime Kirishima gets angry, his thoughts begin to come out of control.

"And you wanna know what? I got another date with him. He claimed he had fun today- And damn it, I cant remember when was the last time I had that amount of fun in a while."

Sero and Kaminari shoot Kirishima hurtful looks.

"You guys care about me, sure-- but you guys can stop babying me now. I'd really appreciate it-"

"I'm sorry we were just wondering where our friend was. Because we wanted to hang out." Sero begins with a hurt tone. "I'm sorry I'm just scared that my brother by choice is going out with the school's biggest asshole. I'm SORRY IF I'M ANNOYING YOU BY LOOKING AFTER YOU-!"

"GUYS." Kaminari steps in.

His gaze slowly turns to Kirishima.

"Okay, you're right. We don't control who you go out with." He sighs quietly. "But we notice that who you're going out with is already influencing you."

He gets up and heads for the door, feeling extremely hurt.

"You're turning into an asshole, Kirishima."

'And he fuckin' DARES shoot me a nasty glare after what he's doing to him...'

Bakugo, after finally getting ready for bed, is on his way to enter his dorm.
But Sero had passed by him to head downstairs,-
And with one dirty look that Sero gave him,
Chaos started.

"Oi, get back here," Bakugo grumbles. He turns towards Sero, who boldly approached him. "Don't think you can fuckin' act like the alpha here."
"Oh trust me, I can," Sero growls a response, "what are your sick intentions with my friend, you sick bastard-"

Bakugo slams his hands on Sero's shirt's collar and approaches them menacingly.

"Better question... or demand." He growls through gritted teeth. "Stay the fuck. Away. From what we're fucking building. Alright? Can the impatient, worried mom do that-?"
"I'm not gonna stop worrying when the biggest dick of school grounds is picking on someone out of their league."

Bakugo cracks slightly on the inside.
'It's what I was thinking about...'

"Y'heard that? He's not on your level. He deserves someone so much better than a scumbag like you-"
"Give me a valid reason of why I shouldn't fucking punch your face in right now-"
"Try." Sero grits. "Just remember... if he walks in right now, just think of what he'll feel... if you 'care about him'."

Bakugo's eye twitches with fury.

'He's got a point...'

"You better watch what you're doing, Bakugo Katsuki... if you land a finger on his friends, he's not gonna be happy... and if you hurt him... in any way... I'm beating you up so badly, they won't ever recognize what happened to their retarded football leader."

He shoves Bakugo away from him, and breaks free from his grip.
The two glared at each other as Sero walks down the stairs.
Bakugo slams his door behind him-

And begins to overthink.

'Out of his league... out of his league...'

"Y'heard that? He's not on your level. He deserves someone so much better than a scumbag like you."

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