[ D a n c e ]

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"Holiday Dance! Seven PM to Ten PM on Friday, Sophomores to Seniors! Please show up!" The girls exclaims, waving banners and papers up to get anyone's and everyone's attention.

The dance is two days after their game, and one day before their holiday break. It'll celebrate the holidays, and their football-- AND Cheerleading-! Teams.
Kirishima is extremely excited.

And Bakugo...
Is getting butterflies.

It's something he's hated the idea of before... but now, is craving.

The thought gives him heart flutters...

Waving the flier around, he runs up to Bakugo with a wide smile.

"Katsu Katsu-!"
"Jesus, slow down, you're gonna fall..."

Yet he keeps running until he bumps into Bakugo, and wraps an arm around him. Bakugo laughs at the excitement.

"Can we go?! There's gonna be the best party king and queen-! Katsu we can be kings-!" He laughs.
"My god, are you excited." He chuckles. "You want... me to take you...?" He asks quietly, sounding a hit hopeful.
He bows his head down and smiles. "Yeah... I'll take y--"
"YES-!" He hugs him tightly. "Thank you thank you thank youuuu--!"

He's as smiley as ever.

"The dress code is guys wear suits, girls wear dresses..." Kirishima lists out, reading over the flier. "Damn, the girls' dresscode list is so much longer than ours...- well, I guess its cuz they have... more to cover." He mumbles. "And I've seen dresses in stores before. Some of those things barely cover anything."
He turns to Bakugo, smiling widely.
"What are you gonna wear?"
"Eh... I guess, a suit? Isn't that what we have to wear?"
"Oh, right..." they exhale a few chuckles. "What colored suit-! And, like, a full on suit or like, those really attractive short-sleeved suits with a bowtie?"

'Now I know what to wear.'

"Can't tell you." He smiles.
"Whaa-? Why not, I wanna know!"
"You'll see at the day of the dance."
"Well, whatever you wear, I'm sure you'll blow everyone away."
"Are you talking about yourself? Cuz if so, I agree,-"
"No, Katsu--..." he giggles. He stands up and sits closely beside him, wrapping an arm around his waist. "I'll have a blast. It's gonna be so much fun..."
"As long as you're happy..." he smiles curtly and shyly.
"You're so kind to me..." he rests his chin on his shoulder, and his eyes fall half-lidded. "You're the best boyfriend in the world."

His eyes widen.

"Th-.. you sure-?"
"A hundred and fifty percent sure."
"How... would you know? You've never gone out with other people..." he begins. "How do you know someone else can't treat you better?"
"Because no one can reach such a level of perfect like you do."

He slowly turns his head back to Kirishima, eyes widened and eyebrows furrowed in awe. He exhales a weak chuckle.

"Y-..you really mean i--"
"Of course I mean it, babe-!"

He looks down, suddenly feeling soft again.

"I... I've had crushes before. I've felt little crushes towards people, thinking that was..." he glances up at his eyes nervously. "Thinking it was love...!" He smiles shyly and curtly. "But... I've never... felt anything... like what I feel towards you."

Cheer The Jock Up! // KiriBakuWhere stories live. Discover now