[ F e e l i n g s I n T h e O p e n ]

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Another day...
Another therapy session.

It's less stressful this time, having Kirishima's words of calming therapy resonating in his mind helps him stay calm throughout it. 
During the break, he sends another voice message to Kirishima. Feeling calm and with a-- somewhat of a-- cleared mind, he thought it would be best to record it now.

Once he returns, he feels a bit more chest-lighted. 

Kirishima is returning home with a heavy backpack-- He knows his backpack is going to be a lot heavier for the following days now.
He's gotten a notification that he has multiple feelings about...
Excited, or nervous... which one should he feel...

He gets home, spends a good ten minutes with Sero and Kaminari, and instead of heading up to his dorm room, he decides to start on a new pattern.

He heads to the kitchen... and prepares a good lunch.
Not for himself,
for Bakugo. For when he returned.
His heart feels warm while he's making it... it feels right.

Sero catches him putting the food he's made in the fridge. It raises curiosity.

"All that work for the fridge, bro?" He laughs quietly. "Why'd you put it in the fridge--?"
"Bro-! Hey,--" he jumps slightly. "And... it's not for me." He smiles shyly.
Sero cocks his head slightly. "Is it for the fridge then?" He laughs again.
"No, no... it's for Bakugo." His smile sweetens. "For when he gets back from therapy... he's hungry when he gets back, I just thought I'd make him lunch."

Sero stares, his smile is fading.
Kirishima's heart begins to slowly crack.

"Wh...What...-" he begins hesitantly.
"You're so cute." He comments. "You-- He- God damn it, Kiri, he might as well know you like him."

Kirishima's smile doubles.

"About that..."

He looks around in a childish way, and Sero's heart jumps in happiness.
His old friend is back...

He cups his face to whisper, and whispers loudly. "We kissed...!" 
Sero's mouth drops. "You did not?!"
"Yeah bro-!"

He runs to him and pulls him into a tight hug. Their childishness fades.

"Kirishima, bro... I'm proud of you. I'm extremely... proud of you..." he claims quietly. They part from the hug slowly. "And... I'm... proud of Bakugo, as weird as it seems...- I dunno, it feels like we just got out of a huge war for some reason..." he laughs quietly. "He's going to therapy then?"
"Yeah...! He's showing so much improvement..."

He suddenly sighs, and his head lowers. His smile is extreme wide and genuine. "I'm so proud of him..."

Sero stares with a filled heart. 

"So... spill, bro..." he begins. "You two a thing?"
Kirishima draws in a deep breath as his head raises. He stared out forward, his smile never fades.
"Don't say it don't say it-!" He giggles. "I'm literally weak just thinking about it... oh god..." he whines. 
"You loooveee himmm--"
He sighs. "I do..."
"AaaWH- My little bro is growing up.." 
"Oh stop it--" Kirishima chuckles. 
"God-- I can't wait to expose you to Kami- he'll freak out."
"Fine. But JUST KAMI-- No one else!"
"No, yeah. I respect that-- Honestly." Sero drops the act. "Catch ya later, bro-! Tell your boyfriend I said hiiii~" He chuckles, beginning to walk away.

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