[ N e w F r i e n d s ]

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Today was super interesting.

e got to know more about our class.

"Hello class, my name is Mr. Haiyku... I'm your teacher. We will be doing a few class activities as last class, we did not have the time to do so because of announcements and base rules... As said before, you are allowed to choose your own seats- Although if there is a problem I won't hesitate to change things around... The layout of the desks may be changed throughout the year- I don't necessarily like rows..."

He tossed a softball up and down nonchalantly as he leaned against his desk. 

"Let's introduce ourselves first- To me, and to your new classmates. Something known as an icebreaker- We'll go around the class and you'll say your first and last name, and you can say if there is a nickname you'd like to be called, one thing you like to do, and something you'd like to start doing this year." 

We all groaned quietly, most of us were too shy to speak up. Me, however, was totally fine with this. I liked icebreakers, they always helped me get to know the people I was studying with better.

Since this year, we'll be getting our own dorm rooms- This is a great way to meet my future roommates!

"We'll start off at the front of the room, by the window. You, young man. Let's start with you."

The boy curled up in his seat and his face flushed a deep red. He seemed to be trembling as he opened his mouth to speak.

"K-..Koda... I-I'm K-Koda Kouji..." He muttered out shyly. "I..- I like.. To sing... A-And want to start.. Working.. W-With animals... Th-This year.."
"Well, it's very nice to meet you, Koda. Is 'Koda' fine?"
"Alright! Class, meet Koda."

Most of us shone him encouraging and soft smiles but he just curled up more.
He must be part of the quiet kids.

"Up next! Who are you, young man?"
"M-Midoriya! Midoriya Izuku!"
"And is there something you'd like us to call y--?"

"Deku." Someone grumbles.

The class falls quiet as they try to match the voice to someone. Up in the front, someone crosses their arms a little tighter.

"I'm... Sorry, who said that?" Mr. Haiyku begins sternly. "That wasn't appropriat--"
"N-..No sir. That's my nickname."

We were all baffled. Why... He looked like such a nice guy- Why would he be called such a thing?

"O-h..." Mr. Haiyku nods curtly. "D-...Do you prefer 'Deku'-?"
"Yes sir."

"What the fuck is wrong with you-?"
"Young man, that is no language to use in the classroom. That is a warning."

Who was this kid-- What bit them in the ass this morning?

"Anyways... I'm sorry,--.." He hesitated. "Deku..." He calls cautiously. He sighed quietly. "My apologies-- We'll have to find a new nickname for you- 'Deku' is not school appropriate, I'm afraid."

"Mido! Mido is a cute nickname." The girl in front of me speaks up.

Midoriya curled up into a shy, blushing mess. Understandably.

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