[ B e a u t i f u l N i g h t ]

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From outside, the two can already hear loud music. Shadows of nearly hundreds of students scatter on the grounds beneath high windows plastered on all sides of the large ball-like structure in which the dance is held in. 

The five stood outside of the tall three-floor party-house, most are smiling widely and ecstatically. Before they're allowed in, they're stopped to show tickets first.

Kirishima holds onto Bakugo's hand tightly and excitedly, his eye no longer busy on his boyfriend but on the bright, multi-colored lights pouring from inside. 

Once their tickets are shown, they stay together until they find their way around.

The bottom floor is the main party. The ballroom, and outside veranda. 
The second floor is a bar,- students underage were strictly allowed to only non-alcoholic beverages and were told to show ID before ordering any drink. The restrooms were also located on the second floor.
And the third floor is inaccessible. It is strictly for employees only. 

Right off the bat, however, their mood is killed a little.


A well-dressed Midoriya walks towards the five, dragging Todoroki behind him. 

"You all look so nice!"
"Thanks man! You guys as well!" Kirishima smiles. 

Todoroki isn't as smiley, however. He greets the five quietly before stepping closer, so his voice could be heard over the loud music.

"Kirishima... I'd advise you be a little attentive. That girl... Ash, she isn't too happy with your date choice."

Bakugo immediately rages. 

"Now what the fuck is up with that sl--"
"Katsuki," Kirishima stops him. "Let's not start any scenes or fights..." there's a pause. "Have you spoken to her yourself? Or was the word spread out--?"
"Midoriya has become good friends with Uraraka... she apparently is close friends with Ash. Ash was apparently ranting to Uraraka about it."

He looks around silently, seeming slightly upset.

"Okay. Thank you for telling me.--"
"It's okay,- if anything happens, I'll have to talk to her." He claims simply. His hand squeezes Bakugo's a little tighter, for reassurance. Bakugo pushes aside the uncomfortably large jealousy he feels. 

He suddenly feels a hand being placed on his shoulder. Sero, with encouraging and reassuring eyes, is silently telling him to calm down. He can almost hear his voice saying 'it's okay'.

They move on, Bakugo is clearly more attentive and protective of Kirishima throughout the next few minutes. 
Once Kaminari and Shinso leave, Sero claims he would leave the two alone as well, but Kirishima insists that he hung out with them just for a while longer.

"Wait, Kam's with him?" 
"He asked Kam to the dance a few hours ago, yeah," Kirishima responds.
"Wait--- You--? Are you serious-?" Bakugo steps in. 
Kirishima chuckles as he nods. "Yeah. Poor Kam, dude, he was a disaster after it happened too."
"Pfft... I guess I'll talk to him later about it,"
"He said he was gonna pull you to his room after the dance was over to talk to you about it too." Kirishima shrugs with another chuckle. "He's not trying to hide anything."

Cheer The Jock Up! // KiriBakuWhere stories live. Discover now