[ D a y O f S u r p r i s e s ]

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[ T h u r s d a y , M o r n i n g ; L u n c h T i m e ]

Bakugo sets down his fork and folds his hands on the table. It's an oddly proper posture from Bakugo, Kirishima will admit. It rises curiosity in him.

"We have another football game coming up..." Bakugo begins. "It'll be sometime next month... I got word from it early since I'm the leader... and since the coach knows I like to prepare the team early," he explained. "But... I actually talked to him about something... and I did something..."
"Oh-uh, Bakugo Katsuki did something..." Kirishima mumbles. He laughs, but it seems to make Bakugo a bit nervous. "Just kidding..." he chuckles. "Keep going!"
"I... got you a coach."

Kirishima's eyebrows arch. 

"Wait, are you serious?"
"Yeah... I..- I dunno... It just came up to my head and I just... mentioned it. The coach says he liked the idea and he told me he'd try his best to do something about it,- Turns out his 'best friend' is open for coaching..."
"Baku that's amazing-!? You really did that for us!?"
"Ahhh come here!"

He jumps up from his seat and circles around the lunch table. He collides against Bakugo, and into a tight hug. He snuggles his cheek against Bakugo's. 

"That's so thoughtful of youuuu..." he coos with a giggle. "Thanks for thinking about me!"
"How... how could I not..."

He turns his body towards him to be hugged properly; but he hugs back as well, making Kirishima feel secure and cared about through one simple action returned.

"You've.. literally done so much for me in such little time... it's unbelievable...- It was... the least I could do..."

Now, Kirishima sat beside him. Their bodies are close, their shoulders are touching. Their presence and closeness is sweet. 

"Who's the coach-? Oh man, I can't wait to tell the team...- And I'm super excited for the game-!?" He blurts. "Specially for you... you always look happy when you're playing."

Bakugo looks down.

"I'm not... gonna do too greatly... I know I won't play the same anymore-"
"Don't say that..." Kirishima begins quietly. "What makes you think that? Do you think the time you haven't played maybe affected you...?"

He shakes his head.

"Motivation..." he sighs. "Stress...-"
"Wha-?! 'Motivation'! I'll be there cheering for you!" Kirishima chirps. "I'll be there to cheer the jock up!" He chuckles.

Bakugo fakes an annoyed glare, but there's a wide smile showing through it. He laughs out quietly, leaning forward and touching their foreheads.

Kirishima loves that. He giggles and his eyes flutter close, to fully experience the closeness. All while Bakugo's eyes are looking at him softly. There's something special glistening in his soft gaze;


And he wants to make Kirishima feel it.
He promises himself... to make Kirishima feel it.

"Alright! Are we all here,-?" Kirishima begins. 

The meeting is being held in the kitchen; the team all sat in a table, as Kirishima stood in front of it.
The team really didn't pay mind...- Except they did... 
About how Bakugo sat on the counter, beside them, but out of their view.

There's something unsettling to them... about how the leader of the football team... or in other words, Kirishima's 'supposed rival' is listening, and even-more participating in their team, private meeting--

But none of them are aware of Bakugo's change... of Bakugo's current state, or situation...
Of his and Kirishima's relationship.

They glance at him hesitantly from time to time... and Kirishima notices-- But thankfully, Bakugo is distracted by his phone.

"So!" Kirishima begins. "Thank you all for coming. Sorry if I interrupted anything for any of you," he claims. "But! I have exciting news!" He smiles. 
The group begins to chatter quietly.
"What happened?" Ojiro asks. 
Kirishima's smile doubles. "I! Will no longer be your head-coach!" He announces.

And the team's reaction is slight heartbreak.

"Wait what-!? Why not?!" Kaminari whines. 
"Wait, bro- You're not leaving, are you-?!" Sero asks.
"We got a coach!" Kirishima announces.

And the heartbreak turns into cheer within seconds.
They gasp, cheer, and clap at the announcement.

"Wait, how?! How'd you find a coach-?" TetsuTetsu asks.
"Oh, I didn't find one..." Kirishima chuckles. "Thank Bakugo."

They quiet down. They slowly turn to Bakugo, who sets down his phone and meets their gaze. His hands fold in between his legs as he leans his elbows onto his knees.

"Did you... actually get us a coach?" Sero asks. He sounds a bit quieter, and more hesitant.

Bakugo nods curtly.

"Wait,-" TetsuTetsu begins. "'Bakugo'. Helped the Male. Cheerleading. Team. The one he hated-?" He mumbles.
"Bro," Kirishima begins. He simply shakes his head, and TetsuTetsu's eyebrows furrow in confusion.
"Th-! Thanks, bro...!" Kaminari finally speaks up.
"That's... nice of you..." Ojiro comments.
"I always knew he's had a heart in him." Aoyama comments in a exaggerated way. 

Kirishima steps in before something rude can be mentioned by the boy. "A-Anyways-!" 

Bakugo is off his phone now. He's listening to Kirishima, he's present in the meeting.

"I'll still be your leader. But we're just gonna have a coach! Our performances will be much more organized...-"
"Well I always thought we did well..." Kaminari mumbles. "We always performed without problem-!"

"Kirishima nearly shattered his ankle." Is all Bakugo comments.

"W-...Well... accidents happen-?" Kaminari continues.
"No, that truly was my fault...- I landed the backlflip wrong, and didn't distribute my weight properly-"
"WAIT- Can you still do a backflip-?! Bro, we can keep the original plan for the next performance-!"

Kirishima simply looks at Bakugo, who shakes his head sternly.
He sighs.

"Maybe... we can think of something less dangerous-? I can still do backflips-! Well, I think...- But... let's just not do the whole: 'Let's backflip off the top of the human tower-!' kinda thing...."
"I agree with him. He could seriously injure himself...- It's better if we learn from mistakes." Ojiro comments. "And, that aside, I'm sure our coach wouldn't... allow that- Since we are... starters-?"

"Oh, trust me..." Bakugo cuts in. "That guy doesn't care..."

The team all exchange worried glances.

"He likes it when his students push themselves..." he continues. "It's how I toughened up."

Cheer The Jock Up! // KiriBakuWhere stories live. Discover now