[ T h e i r A r c ]

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[ B a k u g o ]

We got time to literally mess around.
And with that time, we decided to sit in bed and just... talk.

I love these moments... with all my heart. 
It's moments like these that I can ask question and get those answers that get him excited... that gets his eyes sparkling... those beautiful fucking eyes that I fell for.

I feel like we're two little kids while we're sitting cross-legged in the middle of the bed.


[ T h i r d P e r s o n ]

"My turn!" Kirishima claimed excitedly. "What's your favorite color?!"

Bakugo's eyes fell lazy upon Kirishima. He grabbed his chin and scrunched his nose cutely. "Red." 
"Ooh, same..." he nodded. The two laugh quietly.
"Alright... aside from karate and dancing, what else do you like?"
"I've always wanted to try boxing.- And I like freestyle dancing too-! I love watching movies and traveling."
"You're interested in physical stuff, ey?-- Karate, now boxing-?"
"I do cheerleading too-!"
"Yeah, which is hella delicate compared to the other two-" he laughed.
Kirishima scrunched his nose back at Bakugo as a playful glare. "My turn again." He chuckled. "Aside from football, hiking and cooking, what do you like?"

His gaze lowered in thought, it takes him a bit to respond. "Well, I'm good at a lot of stuff... doesn't mean everything's my favorite thing in the world," he shrugged, "if we're talking about... younger me... then I was basically like any other teenager,- me, Natsuo and Koji would go out every day and just fuck around-- we'd go to abandoned places and mess around, go to amusement parks just for the haunted attractions, hike in big ass mountains to try and find caves," 

Kirishima is loving how the further Bakugo goes into his small past with the other two, his eyes light up more.

"Awh, damn... I miss those days," he mumbled with a soft tone. "Days were fucking priceless back then... Natsuo and I would stay out until sunset just throwing a football to each other while Koji watched... Koji and I would try different recipes to see who's tasted better..."

He suddenly paused.

"And... even Icyhot and I... would hang out sometimes. The genuine times... that he and I talked... that we carried an actual conversation..."

Kirishima felt his body jolt. He got... extremely interested,- even more than he already was.

"I... don't remember... what happened..." he mumbled.

Kirishima let silence settle for a small bit, to release the tension from Bakugo's tone.

"Are you really scared of Todoroki... Katsuki...?"

There was never an outburst.
Never a curse, never a sour word... never a bitter denial exclaiming 'I was never fucking scared of him!'

Just an unchanged stare.

"No." He shook his head. "I'd call it defense... more than fear..."
"But in some cases, wouldn't that fall into each other?"
His eyes closed. They close out of emotion... heavy emotion. "Yeah."
"You know he feels the same... he's the same, maybe even worse? He's got no intention of harming anyone..."
"Neither do I."
"See? That's just one more thing you two got in common...!"

Cheer The Jock Up! // KiriBakuWhere stories live. Discover now