[ S p o r t s T r i p ]

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"Why weren't you answering your calls-" Natsuo begins, hitting Bakugo's shoulder playfully.

"Cuz I don't fucking have it. It's being fixed right now." He grumbles.
"Oh-- What happened to it-?"

《Flash Back》

The flat phrase brought shivers down everyone's spines. Kirishima shivers, but begins to look around.

"Is he down here-?"

"Once again, he is at his dorm room. He's not feeling well--"

They hear something fall down the stairs, and quick patter of feet.

Bakugo had dropped his phone down the stairs, and the loud noise made him bolt back to his dorm.

He could retrieve his phone later- He just couldn't be caught listening in to their conversations. He was left mostly confused. The boy was almost insistent in trying to meet him... But why? Was he just... Always like that?

'What the fuck is wrong with that kid?'

Sero collects the phone, finding it to be shattered.

"Bro- Who's phone is this-- It got totaled-!"
"I recognize that phone case." Todoroki claims.

It was a matte black phone case with a black, 3D textured grenade in the middle.

"But how did it make it's way downstairs...-" He continues. "It's Bakugo's--"

Sero immediately lets go of it, dropping it in the corner of the first step.

"DUDE-!" Kaminari squeaks. "Watch it-! He's gonna kill you-!"
"Exactly why I let go of it-?! I got NOTHING to do with this--!"
"I'll go drop it off for him-!" Kirishima claims. "It would give me a chance to talk to hi--"
"Are you crazy?" Kaminari asks. "Did you fall on your head during practice--"

"Kirishima, Todoroki seems to be serious about these warnings. I would suggest listening to them." Tokoyami claims.


"I dropped it." He half-lies.

"Uhuh." Natsuo agrees sarcastically. "Dropping it, and throwing it against a wall out of rage is not the same thing-"
"I fucking dropped it-! Lay off, shithead-!" Bakugou snaps. "Damn!"
"So, where's that 'half and half' I was gonna meet today?" Nasuo changes the subject.
"He's not fucking coming. Forget about him." He grumbles. "That damn bastard won't be fucking meeting anyone else when I fucking get my hands on him again..."
"Woah. What happened-?"
"Fucking bastard snapped at me-! It's like he WANTS to fucking die!"
"That's it? He snapped-? Aren't you exaggerating-"

"We are going to be having our first travel as a team!" The coach exclaims. 

Gathered in the field were the cheerleaders, and the football team. They were dismissed from class early today.

"We will be leaving in four days, and the trip will be LONG, so I'd advise preparing until then! We will have two RVs only, but they're large enough to easily fit all of you. I'd suggest gathering your teams in groups that would lead to as little problems as possible!" He continues. "Leaders, you will have these days to gather any information from your team and come to me about it that has anything to do with medical situations, and such. That will be all."

They dispatch, but Bakugo's team had different plans.
About four players, five, if you count Todoroki, left Bakugo's side to go chat with the cheerleaders.
They jump over Bakugo's warning from long ago;

"No one. Fucking was." Bakugou spits out lowly. "And no one. Fucking will."

And curiously, they approach the leader and his team with wide smiles.

"Yooo bros! Care for a chat?"
"H-Hey-!" Sero begins. 

Todoroki steps up to Kirishima, as Kaminari throws an arm over Todoroki. 

"Oh, Todoroki-? You're already friends with them-?" One asks.
"Yes. They're really nice people." Todoroki claims.
"Op-! Wait, coach-!" Another one calls out. "I have a question-!"

"Oi." Bakugo barks. 

The boy stops in his tracks, not bothered or fear-struck in the slightest. He turns slowly, flashing the ash-blonde an unenthused look. 

"Don't think you can just fucking walk away... Don't think I just fucking forgot..."
"Forget what, the sense I tried to knock in your head?" Todoroki asks. "Your PSTD is through the roof... I've been controlling mine, at least."
"I'm not here to talk 'health', you bastard..." He growls. He takes a bold step forward. "You haven't a clue.. On how long.. I've been waiting for the day I fucking strangle you... For everything you've fucking done to me..."
"Oh, please. Tell me what 'such bad things' I've done to such a scum like you-!"
"I do! Tell me, what horrible thing have I done to you?! Have you ever taken time to look at what you do at others?!" He, as well, takes a bold step forward. "You're like a dictator! You're in serious denial! You don't even realize how much of a monster you've become!"
"Keep spewing shit at me, enjoy that hideous voice of yours while you can before I RIP YOUR VOCAL CHORDS OUT!"
"You've abused me enough, Katsuki." Todoroki spits. He turns his back to the blonde and waves his off. "I'll be with Kirishima, and Midoriya, and Kaminari and Sero. At least those guys know how to treat another life properly, unlike you."

He begins to walk off with venom booming in every step.

"I worry for you future, Katsuki."
That name again. It hurt his past. 


"You're scared to beat me up. Face it." His voice sounds from the distance. "I've turned my back to you, I'm an easy target now. I'm waiting for you to build up courage."
"You've tried, and you've tried to that as well." Todoroki shouts. "It's a no from me."

Everything is being taken away from him.
And he noticed a pattern...

It all started when that redheaded bastard entered his life...

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