[ H a p p y D a y ]

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[ K i r i s h i m a ]

"Mr. Haiyku-?"
"Kirishima! What's up, buddy!" The teacher smiles widely. "Come have a seat, man!"

I enter the room and set my bag down on my desk. 
I pull up a chair, and sit down while shining him a confident, calm and genuine smile.

"How's it going, Kiri?"
"Greatly...!" I respond.
"Everything good with Bakugo...? Todoroki?"

My posture loosens up and my back hits the chair's backrest. I give off another small smile.

"Yeah... I haven't really spoken with Todoroki ever since... but I did apologize him for the argument we got into that day, and he accepted it...- Bakugo, he's... doing good! A little better than before..."
"'A little better' is always progress." He comments, a bit softer than before. I nod confidently, in agreement. "You're not here for any trouble!" He disclaims. I laugh quietly at the sudden disclaimer. "But... I've been thinking, and speaking with their therapist... Y'know, thinking on conditions and better ways to keep this class' already positive mood," he begins. "Bakugo has clearly found something comforting in you. He sees you as the one he trusts,-- And I have been told by someone that his attacks are controlled when you're around you."
"And, y'know... I was looking at the seating chart... the seats you guys have in your class..."

I'm already excited.

"I was wondering... I want to test something during class... For both his academics, my trouble-free experience in teaching, and for the therapeutic records... I will be moving Todoroki and Bakugo. And I want your help."
"Oh-! Of course, what can I do to help-?"
"I will be changing Koda's and Bakugo's seats. He'll be in the back... so I want you to kind of help me supervise him?"
"Of course! I'd love to help with that-!"
"Yeah, but that's no permission to carry out chats during class, mister Kirishima..." he jokes. I laugh quietly again. "But... Koda and Bakugo.. and Todoroki and Midoriya will be taking the seats of Jiro and Yaoyorozu."
"So, you're willing to help me out? I'd give you some extra credit, of course...-"
"Oh-...! Well... I could do it just as a favor..- Helping others should never be done for rewards..."

He smiled at me again. "You have a good heart, young man."
"Th-! Thank you sir-!"
"Class will start in a few minutes... you can wait around here, or you could step out again and leave your stuff. It's up to you- But this was basically all I wanted to say."
"Alright-! Thank you so much for letting me know, sir-!"
"No problem, thank you in advance for the help, Kiri."

He allowed everyone to sit down before he stood up from his seat, to greet the class up front. 
He tossed a baseball up and down nonchalantly.

"Good morning, guys!"

The class responded with a few quiet responses, aside from those who were actually excited or energetic-
Aka, me, my group, and a few others--

"Before we start off the day... We have a few minor changes..." he claims. "Koda... Could you please stand up?"

He stood up shyly, and his eyes start to glance around the room nervously.

"Bakugo, can you please change seats with Koda?"

He just turns around and stares at Koda, and the seat. 
Then, his eyes met mine.
And that's when he immediately stands up, and follows the instructions without complaint. 

Cheer The Jock Up! // KiriBakuWhere stories live. Discover now