[ G i r l T a l k ]

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The girls of the new class all huddled up in their new home's common area.
They immediately got along well.

The boys would walk back to the common area as Todoroki had left his phone in the kitchen.
But halfway there, they realize the girls had taken over the bottom floor.
It wouldn't hurt them if they… Listened in for a bit.


"Sooo… You girls got any crushes?" Ash begins curiously. A few sigh, as others giggle playfully. 
"We do have some pretty cute guys in our class…" Yaoyorozu comments innocently. "Do you have a crush, Ash?" 
"Whaaa-? Me?" She pretends being astonished. "Of course I do-!"
The girls all laugh quietly. Ash begins to fantasize about what list she would state in order to make the others understand her.
"Who is it who is it?!" Uraraka begins.
"Weeellll-! I'm not gonna lie, I saw him last year and it was like- Love at first sight--" She begins.
"Well, who is it?" Jirou joins in. She smiled softly, feeling curious.
"Kirishima." She whispers. "He's just so cute-!" She squeals.
"He's kind, I guess-" Jirou shrugs.
"He's super kind-! And he's so caring- And he's HILARIOUS-- Oh my god, I can't EVEN--" Ash rambles. The girls notice how she was unafraid to express emotion- Not even the ghost of blush on her round cheeks. It astonished them, but it was quite admirable.



Sero and Kaminari try their beats to not burst out into laughter,
Midoriya stares at Kirishima with extremely arched eyebrows,
Todoroki looks unenthused,
And Kirishima looked uninterested, yet slightly upset.
The rest of the girls' conversation drowns out.

"It's literally been, what-- Two to three weeks-?" Kaminari muffles out. His covered his mouth his hand, trying to suppress his laughter. 
"Girls fall in love so quickly it's actually… Concerning.." Todoroki comments. 
Kirishima sighs. Sero pats him on the back comfortingly.
As they reach downstairs, the girls fall silent. Some of them broke out into quiet laughter, as most eyes land on Ash, and Uraraka.

"What's up, ladies-" Kaminari begins smoothly.
"Kam. No." Sero sighs.
"Sorry to interrupt- Todoroki just left his phone in the kitchen… We'll be in and out quick-" Kirishima speaks up.
"Oh, no no no-! You're not interrupting anything-! Stay as long as you'd like.-" Jirou claims, smirking in the slightest.
"Hi Kirishima!" Ash exclaims.
"Hi…! Ash, right-?" Kirishima mumbles the question uncertainly. 
"Yup!" The girls shines.

She smiled widely at the boy, hands folded across her chest sweetly. The two stare at each other for an awkwardly long second before Sero coughs.

"Sooo-! Let's go back to my dorm, guys…" He delivers awkwardly.
"I like that idea." Sero sighs discretely. 
"RACE YOU ALL THERE--" Kaminari suddenly bursts.

Sero, Kirishima and Kaminari bolt up the stairs, as Todoroki stares at the spot the three once stood. His astonished, yet flat expression brought laughter to everyone.
"And then there were two." Jirou comments.

Midoriya laughs quietly, and only then did Todoroki's eyes move from the ground, to him. He watched quietly.

"Let's go, Todoroki." He says softly.

He walked a bit more ahead, as Midoriya led the way. The girls' eyes followed them out, until Jirou burst out into laughter.

"Oh quiet, Jirou. He just doesn't know what future love is~!" She sings.
"Wow. I admire the confidence." Yaoyorozu compliments.
"Gotta kept it confident, ladies. Heard that, Uraraka? You'll get him one day too." 

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