[ N e w S t u d e n t s ]

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"Half and half if you don't pick up your fucking pace I swear to fuck I'm picking you up and fucking THROWING you to the locker room." I growl.

"Pass me then. I don't feel like obeying your petty ass."
"Listen here you little shit--"
"Always fuckin' pickin' fights, ey?." A familiar voice spoke.

Finally. Someone who I fucking enjoyed having around.
But why the fuck was he here-

"Yo, Kats. What's good, man?"
"Nayto,-?! The hell are you doin' here?"
"I sneaked in bro."

I stared at him silently.

"Nah, just fuckin'. We transferred."
"'We', and,- No you fuckin' didn't. Got kicked out again, ey?" I punch him on the shoulder playfully. "Nice one. For what, smoking weed beside the teacher?"
"Not this time-" He laughs. "Kidding. Koji and I transferred. Other school got really fucking boring, and since Kat had already got a scholarship to this school our parents dragged me along-- So I did what was reasonable and dragged Koji's ass here with me."
"Of course that would be fucking logical for you.." I sigh, laughing again. "Where'd you leave her?"
"She's in one of the offices. I came looking for you."
"You sneaked out-"
"I sneaked out-"
"Adda boy..." 

We laugh again--
This year wouldn't be so fucking bad after all.

I've known Nayto and Koji ever since childhood.
Nayto has a twin, Kat. They're a pretty big fucking deal, since they're identical-- If it wasn't for Nayto's piercings, and hairdye-- albino twins.
And they're literally the only fucking cool people in my fucking life-- Everyone else is just extra fucking souls that weigh me DOWN.

"You gonna fucking join the football team? If not I'll be fucking upset."
"Hell yeah dude. I'm just lazy for tryou--"
"You don't fucking need tryouts-- I know you're good-- You're fucking in." I claim. 
"Wait- You're leader-?"
"Of course I'm fucking leader."
"Hell yeah, dude-! Look at you, flex bro-!"
"What, surprised I'm the leader? I'm fucking disgusted you doubted me-"
"Nahh- I never doubted you. I'm just surprised it took as long as it did-"

I shove him away as he laughed loudly.

"Fuck off, rat..."

Yup. That's our friendship.
Insults, take-me-downs, and just... More of all that.
But we knew they were never intended.


At least not heavily intended-

"What class are you on?" He asks.
"No way-!"
"You're in the class?"
"Tch. Run while you fucking can. Only 'decen't ass in that class is half and half. All the others are fucking lollies."
"They can't be that bad. And-- 'Half and half'?"

I didn't fucking introduce him.

"Ugh- You'll meet him tomorrow- Is Koji in the class too?"
"Nah, she's with Kat. Class 2A."
"Oh, sucks." I shrug. 
"Wh- Fuck you, dude-! Poor girl-!"

I laugh as I get shoved by him. 

"She'll live, dumbass. That class is probably better than ours." I claim. "And your brother isn't so fucking bad."
"Wow. Katsuki Bakugou saying someone isn't that bad--"
"Fuck OFF NAYTO-" I laugh, groaning loudly.

<Part 1/2>

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