[ T h i r d D a t e ]

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[T h i r d P e r s o n ]

The chilly weather is perfect for the needed attire. Pants, long sleeves, jackets...
They'll be hiking in the woods, up a tall mountain. Attire that covers as much skin as possible is preferable.

Bakugo is made happy when he sees Kirishima stepping out,- They had planned on meeting each other outside, in the building's veranda,- wearing the football team jacket he had given him.
It's large on him, making him look bulkier than he normally does. It's a good look on him.

The date hasn't even started, yet they're smiling widely already.

"Have you been waiting long...?" Kirishima asks kindly.
"Nah. Just got here." He shrugs. "Finally, putting that jacket to use."

He exhales a curt, snarky chuckle and twirls, showcasing his outfit.

"How do I look?"
He nods curtly and doesn't realize that he's raising a hand to the back of his neck.
"Gr--... good."
"Awh, C'mon now-! I know you were gonna say 'great'-!"
"W-! Was not-!"
"Was too!" He laughs. "You look great too."

That settled the small argument.
Closely beside one another, they walked out of the dorm's grounds and towards the bus-station.

And so, their day begins...

"Here, catch."

Kirishima catches a long, thick stick, about the length of his leg and waist.

He slams the stick down, looking forward with a confident glare.

"Let's get to the top of this fucker."

Kirishima laughs.
"This is the mountain you've never been able to climb all the way up, right-?"
He grumbles, "Yeah..."
"Well, we can do it together! We'll get there!"

The confidence boosts Bakugo's heartrate.
He exhales a content chuckle.

"Before the sun sets, preferably."

He takes a step forward, but looks back with a smug look

"We don't wanna be out here when the sun sets... that's when the creatures lurk."

Kirishima freezes at the drop of his tone. His heart... is racing...
His face grow hot, despite the cold wind blowing through them.

He jumps back to his side, but takes another longer step forward.



"Oh no... don't tell me I'm seeing someone out of breath?" Bakugo begins, grinning slyly throughout.

He draws in a deep breath, but coughs from the sudden intake of cold air.

"I'm-...! I'm as strong as a rock...!"

He suddenly slows down.
"How's.... that ankle of yours... once you sprain it, it's never the same...-"
"It's great-! I-..." he pants. "I don't feel a thing...!"
"Well, that's not good,-"
"You know what I mean-"
"Wanna stop?-"
"Nooo-! No no no-- I'm great-! Let's... let's keep going..."

Cheer The Jock Up! // KiriBakuWhere stories live. Discover now