[ T r a v e l D a y 4 ]

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Early in the morning, the football team heads out for a jog.
A few laps around the stadium is all they would do before they began exercising and stretching for the game.
The cheerleaders soon head out as well, to practice their cheer, not entirely knowing that the others were out there as well.

It throws Bakugo off.
His rhythm and stamina was used incorrectly by watching Kirishima the entire time--
But the reason why is modified, because Bakugo doesn't admit that the redhead truly took his breath away.

He scoffs, and snaps his head to face the opposite way.
Natsuo comes running up behind him and bumps their shoulders roughly, throwing Bakugo's rhythm off once again.


The cheerleaders watched quietly.

"I still can't wrap my head around how you had the absolute raw patience to stick around with those guys for so long." TetsuTetsu comments to Todoroki.

Yes, Todoroki had skipped the morning jog.
To stay and hang out with the cheerleaders.
Because truly, he felt better with them.

"My patience has been thinning ever since... That last day I was with them was kind of my breaking point." Todoroki sighs.
"What made you stay with them for so long?"

Todoroki looks down.
His eyebrows furrow.

"It's... messed up." He mumbles. "Don't ask questions you wouldn't want the answer to..."

"Okay! This one's gonna be out hardest lift yet!" Kirishima exclaims to the group. "I'm trusting all of you...!"
His voice had gone quieter and more nervous, to rise comedy. The group laughs quietly in response.
"Think we can do it?!"

Bakugo, Natsuo, Monoma and Shinso watched from afar.
They spilled a few rude comments, but Bakugo stayed silent.

"Okay! Let's start from the top!"

Todoroki hits play on the leader's phone and the music that would be used starts to play.
TetsuTetsu and Ojiro go first. They were the bases of the human tower.
They pose, then proceed to lift Aoyama and Kaminari.
They pose again, and Kirishima and Sero begin to climb.

Bakugo held his breath.

"Okay, not gonna lie. That's pretty impressive-" Shinso comments.
"Shut the fuck up."

Sero sits on Kaminari's shoulders, and Kirishima climbs on Sero's.
From there, he poses for three seconds,-

And Bakugo's entire body locks up as he sees Kirishima backflip from the height.
He forces his throat to close up to stop a sound from choking itself out.

He succeeds the backflip, and lands safely.
Sero backflips, and Kaminari follows down.
Aoyama gracefully falls back, and Sero and Kaminari catch him below.
Ojiro and Sero backflip to their positions, and Kirishima was once again in the front.
They raise their hands up high, concluding the cheer.

Todoroki claps quietly.

And Bakugo, Shinso, and Monoma are mind-blown.
Natsuo stares quietly.

Cheer The Jock Up! // KiriBakuWhere stories live. Discover now