Chapter 142: Coffee & Wine

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Tiffany arrived at the address and parked her car near the front of the building. Walking towards the entrance, she checked her hair and makeup before pressing the doorbell.

'Hello?' a deep male voice sounded through the speaker.

'Yes hello I'm here for a meeting, I'm Tiffany Hwang from Onstyle.' she said.

'Ah yes miss Hwang I've been waiting for you, come in.' A buzzer opened the door and Tiffany walked into the building which looked like a small warehouse with lots of studio equipment scattered around the place. Tiffany saw a man sitting on the sofa sipping on a cup of coffee with an iPad on his lap.

'Hello miss Hwang. I'm Kim Taeyeon, it's a pleasure to meet you.' Taeyeon smiled brightly as he shook her hand. Taeyeon held onto her hand a little too long and Tiffany noticed him eyeing her up and down before they took a seat.

'Would you like a cup of coffee? I have a terrific coffee machine. Or maybe a glass of wine? I have a wonderful bottle of vintage wine in the cellar.' he asked with a smile.

'No thank you, I would like to hear about your concept for our summer issue though.' she told him bluntly, not wanting to waste her time beating around the bush.

'Of course, here let me show you.' he grabbed his iPad and scooted over to sit closer next to her.

The whole time Taeyeon was explaining his ideas, Tiffany's mind often wandered elsewhere. She kept staring at him from the corner of her eyes, looking at his facial features, taking in his sweet vanilla and coffee scent as they leaned closer to eachother. He's very handsome, she thought. Too bad he's a player.

'Miss Hwang? Do you understand what I mean?' Taeyeon asked while he looked up at her with his big brown eyes.

Looking directly into his eyes made Tiffany's cheeks flush pink and her speech started to slur. 'Y-yes it's a… very a... interesting...' Tiffany feels herself getting very hot. 'I would like that glass of wine now, p-please.' she needed a distraction, sweat was starting to drizzle down her neck.

Taeyeon looked at her questioningly before smiling again. 'Of course, I'll go get it right now.' When Taeyeon got up and left, it created a good moment for Tiffany to cool herself down, fanning her face with a magazine from the coffee table. She scolded herself for getting so worked up by this Kim Taeyeon guy.

Taeyeon opened up the bottle and poured the wine into their glasses. After a few sips Tiffany started to feel herself relax and loosen up a bit.

'Nice place you have here, do you also live here?' she asked him as she got up to look around.

Taeyeon got up and followed her with their wine glasses. 'Yeah this place is my own little world where I work, eat, sleep and have complete freedom.' he handed Tiffany her glass.

She looked up at a series of photo's on the wall of half naked women wearing high heels and holding purses in the middle of the street. 'Mmhmm,' she nodded 'I bet you use this place to do a lot of other things too.' while pointing at the models in the photo's.

Taeyeon laughed at her skepticism. 'You know most stuff people say about me isn't true, I'm a nice guy I swear.' while he looked at her with his big puppy eyes.

'Mmhmm,' she said again, not sounding convinced 'But you do sleep with a lot of women?'

Taeyeon chuckled and scratched the back of his head 'Well yeah, but I only pursue someone if there's a strong connection. Besides I like to admire all things beautiful.'

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