Chapter 53: Pet II

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The sun's barely up and I hate that I'm a light sleeper. Though, it's not the sun that has raised me. In fact, it's my bunk-mate and she isn't exactly a stealthy creature as she rolls around the bed, collar tags jingling while she's bored out of her mind at this hour of the morning.

"Taeyeon," I groan tiredly, feeling her scramble around the bed whilst nudging my leg, then sides, then cheek, then—fuck. I'm not a morning person. "Taeyeon!" I snap a little harder. Immediately, I feel the rapid shuffling cease and the weight shifts on the mattress. I know she's sitting at the foot of the bed and I don't even have to open my eyes to know that she's staring at me with that damn puppy face. "Go back to sleep," I grunt.

She whines.

It's been a few weeks since I've received my pet's bloodwork and it was no surprise that Taeyeon's exactly what I expected. She whines again and I chuckled when she proves to be the puppy that she really is. I've always been a fan of dogs, so I really should've known from her ice blue eyes that the girl's got Siberian Husky genes in her. Still half asleep, the idea of a bunch of tiny, skinny Taeyeons, pulling a sled really makes me chuckle.

"Wake uuuup," she whines again, bouncing at the foot of the bed.

I roll your eyes behind closed eyelids. "Come 'ere," I murmur, lifting up the covers and opening up your arms.

She softly yips as she rushes into my embrace and curls into me. I wheeze as the weight of her body hits my chest because, even though she's my 'pet', she's still a hundred-pound human that tries to fit her whole body into my arms, regardless. "Such a fat lap dog," I mutter under your breath.

She hears you and, being the spoiled pup she is, she takes a nip at your clavicle.

"Ah!" I wince from the sting, now more awake than I'd prefer to be on Sunday morning. I get her back by flicking her nose, to which she snarls at. "Go back to sleep," I groan.

"But, master~" she coos, gently licking my chin.

Not in the mood, I jerk your head away and just bind her tighter in my arms. "Shut up and go back to sleep."

"But, master—"

"Sleep!" I growl at her.

Defeated, I feel her head sag against my chest, tucked under my chin. Arms snaking around my waist, she curls in impossibly closer, nestling into me so tightly that I think she's trying to fuse with me.

I start to doze off again, but I'm woken by her rearranging herself. It's not long before I feel her kiss me and it's soft and sweet. And how can I possibly ignore her? I pucker up my lips and offer her a lazy kiss in return. Though, that doesn't stop her from kissing me again and it certainly doesn't stop me from snickering against my pet's mouth.

"Whadda think you're doing?" I croak out, eyes still shut.

"Just kissing," Taeyeon whispers softly, laying her lips against mine's again.

"Yeah right," I mutter against her mouth, well aware of her second agenda that's poking against your thigh. "Go back to sleep, sweetie."

"You can go back to sleep," she grumbles under her breath.

I catch the lace of mischief in her voice and I definitely, definitely, get confirmation of it when my pet's mouth wanders from my lips, to chin, to neck.

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