Chapter 19: Photograph I

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It was a one particular night in San Fransisco. A young woman who wrapped in a pink blanket sat on a sofa in her living room with a cup of hot chocolate in her hands. The TV that lit up infront of her was long abandoned, only used to kill the silence and hollowness. The woman took a glance at the wall clock that showed 11:00. The person she was waiting for should be home any minute. With a sigh, she locked her gaze back to the window that placed right beside the humming TV. Then, a stalwart walking figure entered her view range. A lively smile crept into her face as she put her cup down on the coffe table in front of her and with a thumping heart she rushed to the wooden door. She slammed the door open and screamed silently. She was tired and the less thing she wanted to have is the neighbors waking up to her scream and calling the police

"Taeyeon !" The woman ran barefootedly to the woman who just entered the front yard. The blonde woman also had a matching wide smile. She put her large military bags down on the pavement before she welcomed a warm body that jumped on hers. Arms wrapped around the blonde's neck and legs wrapped around her waist. The blonde in the blue military uniform wrapped her arms around the body in front of her. Her face burried to the crook of the woman's neck, inhaling the scent she have missed for the last eight months

"Tiffany, sorry I'm late. I had an extra talk with the officers in the unit. But I'm home now" She said before the woman on her hold looked her straight in her eyes.

"You're home. Welcome home" She said with teary eyes before inching closer to press a kiss on the soldier's lips. A longing kiss.

"Let's go inside"

After they're inside, Taeyeon took of her black combat boots off and put it on the empty space on the shoe rack. Another smile flashed on her face when she saw pairs of toddler shoes and sandals there

"Is Irene asleep ?" Before Tiffany could answer, she voiced out again

"Ofcourse she is, why am I asking the obvious" Taeyeon said with a giggle that heard together with her wife

"I've missed you" Taeyeon said again while walking closer to the woman who leaned her shoulder on the wooden wall beside her. She smiled and wrapped her arms around Taeyeon's neck once again when Taeyeon collided their lips together. Their lips moved in sync, grew more passionate as time passed, showing how much they've missed each other. Tiffany's body jolted and they broke the kiss when Taeyeon's hands went down to her stomach.

"I'm sorry I- Are you okay ?" Guilt crept into her as she remembered about the letter she got 7 months ago. The one that informed her that her wife fell down the stairs and lost their baby she was carrying for one month. Taeyeon gulped and cupped her wife's cheeks. Their eyes met and Taeyeon's heart broke even more when she saw her wife's teary eyes

"How can I be okay ? I lost it, Tae. I killed our baby. I'm so sorry"

"Shhh don't say that. It was an accident. I'm the one who's sorry. I couldn't protect you" Her jaw clenched when she heard silent sobs. Taeyeon pulled her wife inside her tight hug, trying to glue together the broken pieces of her wife with her hug. Tiffany cried even more after she burried her face to Taeyeon's neck, hands gripped tight onto her coat.

"I'm sorry" Taeyeon whispered close to her wife's ear.

They remained wrapped around each other's arms for a while. Taeyeon's hand kept on caressing her wife's back gently and her lips landed kisses on the side of her head, occasionally whispering comforts for her wife. And after a while, the crying stopped. Tiffany broke the hug and locked her gaze to the floor. Taeyeon smiled at her wife's habit of hiding her after-cry face from her. 'I look like a teletubby when I cry', she always reasoned out. Taeyeon smiled even more when her wife's voice rang inside her mind. She cupped her cheeks once again, gently lifted her head to meet their eyes and shower kisses on her wife's wet face

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