Chapter 120: Sextape IV

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Aw, look at you.. cute." Tiffany gets to her feet and smirks at the girl whose face was flushed and lips were parted. Clearly she was still recovering from her orgasm. This will definitely be an unforgettable night for her because that was the best blowjob she has ever received and she's had plenty. I think it's safe to say that Tiffany is the best she's ever had.

"Who's worn out now?" The girl lightly bites down on Taeyeon's neck while her hands were busy slipping Taeyeon's cock back into her boxers and working the zipper and button of the girls jeans.

"That felt... beyond amazing." Taeyeon breathlessly says which makes Tiffany giggles and pepper her neck with light kisses. Taeyeon's hands attached to Tiffany's waist so that she could pull the girl in closer to her.

"I should've told you to do that sooner." Tiffany snorts then creates distance between their bodies once again much to Taeyeon's displeasure.

"I wouldn't have done it." She simply says as she begins to fix her hair that was still disheveled from earlier. It lowkey turned her on, the way Taeyeon gripped her hair and moaned her name so shamelessly. It definitely left a satisfied smirk on her face after.

Taeyeon opens her eyes and gazes down at the girl in her hold. She almost gets caught up in the soft brown eyes if they hadn't have looked elsewhere. Taeyeon wanted to ask the girl why she always looks away but she doesn't. Instead she says, "That's cruel." with a slight nod to her head. Tiffany didn't seem to care, she was more worried about her appearance. Taeyeon's eyes linger down to the girls red, swollen lips then back to her chocolate brown eyes that were staring right at her.

"You call me cruel yet you haven't gone down on me once." After pulling her hair onto one shoulder, she looks up at Taeyeon with raised brows. There's a pause and change in Taeyeon's facial expression. "That's because you kicked me!" The blonde shouts and Tiffany starts to laugh. "Oh right, I forgot," Tiffany says after a attempting to hold back her laugh.

It was the night Taeyeon brought Tiffany over to 'watch a movie' and nothing else. Of course it was a lie. Taeyeon had made a move on Tiffany before the movie had even started. Shockingly, Taeyeon's advances weren't rejected and they were locking lips before the plot began. Everything was going according to Taeyeon's plan until she tried to go down on Tiffany. It was the move that killed the mood and her chances of getting any that night. Taeyeon could still feel the painful ringing in her ear from the sudden kick. The star player swears up and down that her hearing has been damaged by Tiffany's kick.

"It still hurts you know." Taeyeon is pouting at the girl in her arms.

"It's supposed to." Tiffany's smirk turns into a full blown smile when she sees the way Taeyeon's expression drops.

"You are so much more to me now more than ever." She deadpanned.

"You like it." Tiffany wraps her arms around Taeyeon's neck to pull her down into a kiss.

"Miyoung?" The kiss is broken and Tiffany immediately turns to see her little brother at the foot of the stairs with bed hair and sleepy eyes. The boy was still wearing his school outfit she picked out that morning and that was a red flag. It meant that he had fallen asleep playing video games once again. He could be just like her sometimes– a male version of course.

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