Taeng park the car in the parking lot of the restaurant. He look over to his girlfriend, who is still staring out the window to ignore him.
"Come on pany, I need to eat." Taeng grab tiffany's elbow, and tiffany shake him off.
"Are you not eating? I'm going to die if I don't eating anything." Taeng rise his voice a bit. Taeng is afraid of two things; being starve and no sexy time.
"Aa~~ you want me to eat you, huh?" Taeng plays with tiffany's hair.
"You want me eat your pussy, right?" Taeng's arm slide down tiffany's arm.
"You must have a hard time when I was in Italy for five days. Poor pany~ let me give it to you right now." Taeng reach over. Tiffany push him back down.
"I still have my period." Tiffany think that will stop taeng from going on.
"Your period was here before I left. It still haven't say byebye yet?" Taeng think tiffany is lying to him.
"You want to check?" Tiffany dares taeng.
"No thank you, but I don't have period, so you can suck me." Taeng unzip his pant and take his cock out.
"Come on pany~ my brother miss you." Taeng stroke his cock.
Tiffany slowly lower her head and takes taeng's cock into her mouth.
"Ahh shit...so fucking good...so warm..." Taeng put both hands behind his head, while he enjoys tiffany's blowjob.
"Damn~~ you are so good at this baby. Take more..." Taeng buck his hip a little, sticking his cock deeper into tiffany's mouth.
Taeng's cock is getting really juicy inside tiffany's mouth. Tiffany likes to go deep on taeng's cock because she loves to hear her baby moan for her. She thinks it is hot.
"You ready for my cream, pany?" Taeng is about to release.
"mhm.." Tiffany stay still. Usually, taeng would face fuck her and cum in her mouth. This is the way taeng likes it.
"Ahhh~ here it is." Taeng push his cock so deep, that it touch the back of tiffany's throat and cums in it. Taeng's body twitch a bit.
"Show me your tongue pany." Taeng wants to make sure that tiffany swallow his load.
"Ahhh." Tiffany stick her tongue out. Taeng smiles.
"Good. I will reward you with some more cream later on." Tiffany give taeng this funny look. I mean won't you be mad if your lover just want the pleasure for themself?
"Why are you giving me this look? Ohh~ do you want me to have some of your juice too? Sorry, I don't like tomato juice." Taeng smirk as he zip up his pant.
"Come on. I'm hungry." Taeng open the door and step out.