Chapter 181: We Meet Again I

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It has been 9 years since Taeyeon was here in his hometown, Jeonju. The last time he was, was after his highschool graduation, and it was not a good memory. It was when he left the love of his life and he was not even able to see her face on the exact day he left.

He sighed, he had just climbed up the tree house he once built for him and her for their first anniversary. To his surprise, it's clean and no spider webs around; the small-sized mattress is still there, the pictures he painted on the wall are still there, and their carved names of the wood are still there.

He touched it, 'Taeyeon loves Tiffany', along with hearts on the side. He started reminiscing the times when he can still see her smile, hear her laugh, touch her hand, hold her waist, and kiss her lips.

He can only smile to himself, he still remembers that night. That last night of them being one; and on the next day he woke up all alone, with only a letter on his side.

He chuckled bitterly as he say on his mind the exact last words of it.

Goodbye, My love.

It's the day of him leaving for Seoul and study architecture, he wanted to see her for the last time and be the last person he sees before he goes. He went to her house that morning, but no one would open the door; he tried to call her but no one would answer; even his friends tried to help but there's nothing more they can do, and it only left him with a broken heart. Maybe it was really goodbye, he thought. And so he left and didn't have any courage at all to come back once with the past 9 years thinking that there is nothing to be back for anyway.

Today, thanks to a client who wants to build a rest house in the province, he's back.

After their meeting he decided to go here at the tree house and now, he's deciding to visit his and his friends' favorite meeting place at the park and replay the memories he had with them before he again goes back to the city.

He parked his car nicely and walked with so much sophistication partnered by his suite as he enjoys the fresh air, and of course the ladies by the park can't help but steal a glance at him. What a hottie!

"Geez! What are these girls giggling for? Last time I checked there is no tv show that is currently shooting here.," Jessica sighed in irritation then rolled her eyes looking at the giggling girls not far from where they are sitting at the park.

"Relax baby~ I told you. This is one of the things you should be used to as we start dating.," Yuri, Jessica's boyfriend, smugly said then smiled ever so charmingly.

"Yah pabo! You're so full of yourself! They're not even looking at our bench and you say that they are giggling for you?! Hah! Wake up Kwon Yuri!," Jessica smacked him of the back of his head, but not so hard of course.

"Ouch! I was just kidding you know, I just thought I'd earn a kiss. Euhehe!.," Yuri smiled charmingly again thinking this time he'll get what he originally looked forward to but to no avail, Jessica just rolled her eyes and looked back at the girls and follow their eyes only to see their old friend, Taeyeon.

With wide eyes she grabbed Yuri's collar to follow her view and the guy just had his jaw wide open before he jumped and ran in excitement to hug his highschool best friend and college roommate.


It made Taeyeon look at the tall dark man running to him and it took him a couple of seconds before he finally recognized his old buddy.

He smiled widely and opened his arms as well to welcome Yuri's hug, and just like any other friends who didn't see each other for a long time, hugged as tight as they can and patted each others' backs after.

"Haha, how are you Yul?," Taeyeon who was still smiling widely, happily asked Yuri.

"Don't ask me that, How are you!," Yuri, with a hint of sarcasm asked back. "Never got to see you again after college, are you really that busy, huh Mr. Top 3 Best Architect of South Korea?," he chuckled.

Taeyeon chuckled along after hearing the remark, "Well I've been good, great actually. And yes I was busy, I hope you'll forgive me buddy. It's just that opportunities kept coming along and I can't help but grab it; as a matter of fact I went here because of a client.," he smiled.

"Wow there! Too busy to even give a visit to his best friend? Ouch!," Yuri acted hurt but laughed afterwards.

"Oh c'mon Yul, you've been busy yourself. And I heard you're one of the engineers who made it possible for Seoul to be just 30 minutes from here.," Taeyeon teasingly raised an eye brow.

"Haha, you got me there, but still I manage to go back here while you never even dared to visit-,"

Yuri was cut when they heard someone clearing her throat.


It was Jessica who interuppted them and wrap her arm around Yuri's.

Taeyeon's body stiffed at the sight of Jessica, he tried his best to smile nicely and greet her.

"Hi. Jessica.,"

"Hello. Taeyeon.," Jessica replied then looked away.

Yuri then felt the tension between the two and he doesn't know how to break it.

Taeyeon braced himself and decided to speak again, "Uhm. Jessica, I know you're mad. But I really am sorry. Believe me; I tried, but she never once answered my calls or replied my messages and letters.," he said sadly.

Jessica on the other side quietly laughed seeing Taeyeon and smiled afterwards, "Of course I forgave you already! It's been years Taengoo. She has already moved on. And the good thing is, look at you, you're now one of the greatest architects, and she's happy having a simple life of being a kindergarten teacher.," she explained with a sincere smile.

"C'mere you little guy!," Jessica opened her arms wanting to give Taeyeon a hug and the man gladly reciprocted it.

Taeyeon smiled happily as they hug. Jessica is Tiffany's best friend, which means she is the best friend of his ex lover. In college, the three of them: Yuri and Jessica, went on the same college in Seoul; Yuri took engineering, she took accountancy, and he took architecture. For 4 years, Jessica acted that she didn't know Taeyeon; it's because she thinks it was so stupid of him to leave her best friend just like that, and never even tried to visit Tiffany. Of course it was hard for Taeyeon, Jessica has been like a sister to him and just because of the break up he lost her as well.

"Finally!," Yuri, who had a hard time courting Jessica back in college because of the issue joined the hugging session.

After that, the couple invited Taeyeon to their bench and had some catching up especially about their friends back in highschool. And with that being said they asked Taeyeon to come with them to Sunny's house tonight and have some drinks. They do it every Friday along with their other high school buddies like Yoona, Hyoyeon, Seohyun, Sooyoung, and of course Tiffany.

"It'll be fun, we've been doing it for quite some time now. You know, T-G-I-F thing.," Yuri insisted, and with little more persuasions, Taeyeon finally said yes.

As it became dark, the couple went inside Yuri's car heading to Sunny's house followed by Taeyeon's.

Soon enough they reached the house and it made Taeyoen's heart beat fast because of two reasons: first, he's super happy to be seeing some of his old friends again; and second, there's a possibilty that he'll be seeing Tiffany again; well, if ever she comes.

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