Chapter 145: Sun & Surf

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Tiffany, Taeyeon and Jessica arrived in Koh Samui a week after their last meeting. They were accompanied by a small group of staff members and a few models, including Krystal. They drove up to the beach resort where some of the models had arrived a day earlier. Taeyeon and Tiffany headed out to the beach while the staff members were unpacking their stuff and setting up. They greeted the female models who were sipping their cold drinks under the parasols while relaxing in their lounge chairs. Tiffany looked out into the water and saw two strapping young men paddling on their surfboards. 'Yah! Yul!' she yelled and one of them looked up and waved. 'Hey Fany!' he shouted back. Both of them paddled towards the shore. They got out of the water and carried their boards to the beach. They were both tall, tanned, muscular, just very good-looking in general. Geez, what a bunch of brutes. Taeyeon thought to himself. Taeyeon's body wasn't bad-looking, he was slim with toned muscles and pale milky white skin, but compared to these two he looked kind of 'small'.

'Fany! It's so good to see you again!' said Yul, the bigger one, as he went up to Tiffany and gave her a hug.

'Hello Tiffany noona.' the younger one bowed. 'Hi Minho! It's good to see you! I see you've been working out a lot!' Minho smiled shyly and thanked her.

'Yah! Yul, you shouldn't be out in the sun too long, you'll get too dark for the photoshoot.' Tiffany said as she slapped his arm. Yul just let out a laugh and scratched his head.

'This is Kim Taeyeon by the way, the photographer.' she smiled at Taeyeon, letting him know she hasn't forgotten him yet. 'This is Kwon Yul and Choi Minho.' Taeyeon shook their hands and stood by as they were catching up with each other.

'I'm going to set up my equipment. I'll see you guys later.' Taeyeon said. 'Oh, okay we'll be there soon!' Tiffany shouted at Taeyeon who gave her a nod as he headed off to where the staff members were working.

'We should get you guys ready soon.' Tiffany said as she reminded herself of her job responsibilities. 'Sure, but let's have a drink first.' Yul winked at Tiffany and guided them to the little bar at the beach.

Taeyeon walked over to Jessica who was preparing the clothes and accessories for the models to wear. 'Hey, are these what they're gonna wear today?' he asked Jessica.

'Yeah, these are the beach outfits and those are the pool outfits.' Jessica pointed at the sets of clothes hanging on the garment racks.

'Nice. They're very colorful, it will look great on camera.' Taeyeon's compliment brought a satisfied smile to Jessica's face.

'So, do you know that guy, what's his name, Yul?' Taeyeon asks Jessica while he looks over to them sitting at the bar.

'Oh yeah, we've worked with him a couple of times before. They've known each other for a while I think.' Jessica looks over at Taeyeon and sees a little frown appear on his face. 'They're just friends though. Tiffany likes hanging around people who are as loud and energetic as she is.'

The little frown on Taeyeon's face started to disappear and his face turned normal again. 'And what about you? What kind of people do you like?' he asks Jessica.

'Hmm, let me think… Smart, funny, considerate, pretty face, nice tits...' Jessica watched and smiled to herself as Taeyeon's eyes grew wide in shock.

'Ah, oh, that's n-nice.' Holy cow! Taeyeon stammered. 'Luckily there are lots of pretty girls in bikinis walking around here. Well, I better go set up my stuff then.' Taeyeon smiled awkwardly before moving over to his equipment, trying to make himself appear busy while Jessica was smirking behind his back.

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