Sayako- Matt will usually kiss her neck or massage her shoulders gently.
Mimi- Sora will whisper in her ear and gently kiss her neck.
Sora- Mimi will rub her back and lean her head on Sora's shoulder.
Davis- Ken will usually wrap an arm around his waist and whisper softly to him.
Tai- Mariah has to gently remind him to calm down.
Matt- Sayako will hug him gently and rub his back.
Hitaru- Maiho has to kiss his cheek and whisper for him to calm down.
Izzy- Arlo has to pet him and remind him to just breathe.
Tk- Kari has to hug him and tell him to breathe and calm down.
Kari- TK has to whisper gently for her to take it down a notch.
Yolei- Cody has to hold her hand and at times, take her away from the situation.
Cody- Yolei has to hold his hand and gently squeeze it, and remind him to breathe deeply.
Ken- Davis will have to hug him and rub his back gently.