1. Hitaru cross-dresses.
2. Sayako has short hair in gen 2.
3. Davis is close to the Kaneki family. (sayako's family)
4. Davis only hits on Kari to get everyone to think he's straight.
5. Hitaru gets flustered VERY easily.
6. One time, when Matt was practicing with his band and Sayako was there, they finished and Matt asked if she wanted to try the guitar. All the people in his band was like "dude she doesn't know anything about-" and then she ended up playing /really/ good on the guitar and Matt just smirks as she put the guitar in its case, and wraps an arm around her wait, "you were saying?"
7. Izzy brags about Arlo at any chance possible.
8. When Davis found out Ken was the digimon emperor, he cried.
9. Maiko sent Sayako and Hitaru(and Daichi) to the Motomiya(Davis's) household often when she was dating Jordan, because he was too abusive. That's why they're so close.
10.Jun and Sayako arelike,, best friends
11. Sora is openly lesbian
12. Mimi is sort of closeted lesbian
13. Tai is VERY closeted bisexual
14. Joe is highkey the mom friend of the group. Literally some people call him mom
15. Matt is the punk badboy, but secretly is a softie.
16. TK knows Davis is gay, but promised to never tell anyone.
18. Sayako and Tai are like bEST fucking bitches, theyre like siblings.
19. One time, Joe scolded Sayako and Tai for going down a flight of stairs in a cardboard box. The lecture lasted 20 minutes. It only stopped because Matt intervened.
20. No one, and i mean, NO ONE, trusts Sayako, Tai, OR Davis with sharp things anymore.