gen 3 shorts

38 0 2

Akira = akari. i had to change her name because reaso n s

Sayako: We're adopting a child!!

Joshua: but you have three biological kids?? who are you guys adop-

Sayako: You, sign here and here- *puts a sheet of paper down*

Akira: what if instead of milk, i put coffee in my cereal?

Hiroki, taking the coffee pot away: what if you didn't-

Akira: party wrecker.

Akira: *latched onto the ceiling* >:<


River(Coral & Sorrin's kid): Use a lil love n kindness, Levi! Akira, will you get off the ceiling please?

Akira: *demonic hissing*

Aila: *smacks Akira down with a broom& STOP BEING SO EXTRA, YOU EDGE-LORD! THAT'S M Y JOB-

AKira: dashing through the halls!

Kilani: failed my test friday!

Akira: Don't know where to gooooo-

Kilani: With my life today!

AKira: Jingle bells!

Kilani: taking L's!


Kilani: I'm so done-

Akira: this isn't fun-

Akira & Kilani: THERE GOES MY GPA, HEY!

Akira: is there any good reason for taking the class's phones for a whole week?

Matt: I want you all to grow into respectful people. You need a break from tech. I know that you can all grow up to be amazing functioning adults.

Kilani: *bangs on the door before opening it* hey losers, it's Lani.

Matt: Except her.

Sayako: How do you feel about the cellphones being taken away, Kilani?

Kilani: I don't care.

Matt: Don't you miss your phone?

Kilani: I was the only kid in school without a cellphone anyway, so now I feel like we're all even.

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