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s1 bc i havent designed s2 yet,,,,

Name: Coralina Kido

Nicknames: Coral, C, Lina, Blue

Age: 13

Gender: female

Species: Water elemental

Digidestined or nah?: digidestined- i'll explain in backstory

Crest: compassion

Sexuality: lesbian

Personality: She's pretty quiet and a fUCKIN N E R D- she has trouble getting her emotions out there. She has obvious emotion, but has trouble explaining her ideas and often needs help in order to vocalize her ideas. It usually ends up with Joe being the one who vocalizes her ideas because no one else understands her. She's very caring and kind, and is good at helping people pout. Just... Don't mention anything science-related. or video game related. Just... Stay off of nerdy/geeky topics in general if you don't wanna get your ear talked off.



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Friends: all of the digidestined

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Friends: all of the digidestined. friendship-wise, she's closest to matt and Izzy, though mainly matt.

Family: her parents and oldest siblings, and Joe.

Likes: the color blue, the outdoors, climbing, heights, sugar, drawing, video games, reading, singing

Dislikes: VEGETABLES-, the dark, fire, running, closed spaces

Fears: TAHS, Tekara, bars, chains, ropes

Accessories: she has a pastel bag that she carries supplies in

Makeup: NOPE


When she was about 9, she went missing. She was appointed as a "calmer" in the TAHS agency. She was to calm very "bad" patients. She did as told, but often allowed prisoners to leave. She even knew about Sayako's plan to leave, and she told no one. She was basically a slave. Finally, when she was 10, almost 11, during a breakout, she ran away. She wandered around the city aimlessly until she found her family. She was careful never to stray from her family again. When she was 13, she went to a summer camp that her brother Joe was a "counselor" for. By "counselor", he was basically just an overseer of activities, along as acting as a 'nurse'. Coral was just there because she didn't wanna be kept in the house all summer long. Things got reaaal unexpected when a tsunami washed them into... well... A digital world.

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