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With the quarantine, i've been doing a lot of thinking, specifically of where I want the storyline to go regarding my OCs.

I want all my "bad" ocs to be redeemed(those that deserve and are not past redemption), and start over with my new bad ocs.

And that includes Tristan.

I know what you're thinking, he's horrible, he's bad, etc etc

But he isn't past redemption.

For me, beyond redemption is when you've done such bad things that you could end up in jail or worse fates.

Tristan is basically pre-redemption Becky but male.

He's just an asshole.

It'll take just a bit longer for him to be redeemed because of how long he's been a horrible person.

What I'm doing is what I call the "Karma" redemption.

No spoilers, but his Father, who was influencing him to be so horrible, one day screamed at Charlotte(his mother) and said that Tristan would grow up to be a fag.

He goes to Maiko's cafe and spills what happened to maiko while crying, and he slowly returns to how he was when he looked up to his Mother instead of his Father.

Of course it takes a bit longer than other redemptions, but still.

I'm doing this because I want all my old "asshole" populars to be good and I want a new batch of irredeemable populars. Also, I want Isaiah to be the main asshole popular boy.

It might make more sense when I make the actual chapter of Tristan being redeemed lmao.

I hope everyone who reads & cares understands!!

I can also answer any questions if they're asked respectfully! :>


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