aka i dont wanna ask to rp scenarios i think of and im bored-
Tai: can you overdose on vitamin D
Izzy: that's how Icarys died
Coral: icarly died???
tk: skdwjhyejw
Davis: okay so youre a bottom, good to know
Catherine: *walking, picking flowers and smiling to herself*
Matt: What's she so happy about?
Eito: im,, not supposed to say,,
Holly, skipping up to the group, grinning: isn't life amazing?
Matt: What's got you so happy??
Holly: oh, yknow. Sun shining, birds chirping...
Sorrin: Let the girl be in a good mood. You may never see it again.
Sayako: *walks over, giving coral a piggyback ride* Weelll, she-
Coral: Ivy kissed Holly.
Sayako: Izzy, can you,, T-pose?
Izzy: um... sure??? *t-poses*
Hitaru: *sprints into the room and hugs him*
Izzy: *gasps* It was a set-up! *hugs Hitaru*
Tai: I'm hurt
Joe: how would you rate your pain?
Tai: 0/10
Tai: would not recommend
Tristan: *playing guitar*
Matt: do you take requests?
Tristan: sure
Matt: stop.
Sayako: trust me, i know what I'm doing!
Jun: not even g o d knows what you're doing, Saya-
Sorrin: i wanna go to hell just so i can punch the inventor of math in the face.
Coral: you think the creator of math is on h-e-double hockey sticks?
Sorrin: i k n o w he is-
Coral: I'm going to the party.
Joe: will there be alcohol?
Coral: No.
August: Drugs?
Coral: no.
August: Sorrin's going, isn't he?
Coral, blushing heavily: ... m-maybe.
Holly, trying to get out of talking about her feelings: i.... have to go... iron.... my cat.
Hitaru: the floor is lava!!
Izzy: *pushes tristan onto the floor* burn
Hitaru: im not THAT much of a theatre kid
also Hitaru: *sings along to Burn like Alexander Hamilton broke his own fuckin heart*