shorts but its just caliah being a bitch to sayako

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Sayako: *just kinda texting her friends. she's by herself at the park*

Caliah: Hey Sayako! *dumps iced coffee over her head* Oops, you're all wet now..

Caliah: ooooh, you don't look happy.

Sayako: I'm NOT.

Caliah: yay...

Sayako: *having a panic attack in the bathroom*

Caliah: weeellll, I guess someone should get this on videooo. *starts filming her*

Caliah: *laughing at a video*

Maddison: you're LAUGHING at the video of Sayako getting hurt?!

Caliah: No! I'm laughing at the comments.

Sayako: Is there anything you like about me?

Caliah: I enjoy the tears streaming down your face when I hurt you.

Sayako: *in the bathroom, calming down after a panic attack*

Caliah: Well. That's not a pretty face.

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