TWS/CWS: crying, mentions of death/abandonment, tristan's being a bitch_________________________________________
Tristan: Hey, Sayako. What're you doing with your dad this year?
Sayako: ...
Tristan: Oh YEAH! He's not here anymore!
Sayako: ... I made a crochet flower and put it with his memorial...
Tristan: Maddison!! What'd you do for your dad for his birthday?
Maddison: he's..
Tristan: oh yeah.. He left! Because he fucking HATES you!!
Maddison, crying & whispering: ... I sent him a letter...
Tristan: Not like he'll write back. Just like every other time you've sent him something.
Holly: *just vibing*
Tristan: Hey Holly! I figured out why your parents divorced!
Holly: ..?
Tristan: neither of your parents wanted you, so they divorced and your dad got stuck with YOU!