Sayako: You should FEAR ME. i am a MENACE. I will take you down.
Matt: You can be anything you want to be, sweetheart :)
Tai: one day i will be Strong and punch the sun
Izzy: uhh yeah pretty sure thats not possible so uhh...
Tai: i will punch it
Matt: Look buddy. if you try and punch it, your hand is just gonna be burnt. Not really sure what you're expecting here.
Tai: I'm gonna punch it real hard
Izzy: transphobic family members really think i won't cut them off because we're too attached? well. my chest is very much attached to my body but SNIP SNIP motherfucker
Coral: I can't go out past 11, what are you thinking?!
Tai: what???
Matt: Why not?
Coral: I'll get killed! Or worse, Joe will give me a lecture on responsibility again.
Davis: can I buy you a drink?
Kari: I have a girlfriend.
Davis: That's okay! *counting his coins* So then you two can get a big and I'll have something small! :D
Metalseadramon: what's for dinner?
Piedmon: Tonight I'm serving looks.
Puppetmon: please we haven't eaten in 3 d a y s -
Holly: Okay, there are three ways to do things: the right way, the wrong way, and The Holly North Way.
Izzy: But, isn't that just the wrong way?
Holly: Yeah, but it's faster.
~{Tri at a bar}~
Matt: A beer for me, and she'll have juice.
Jessica: Matt, please. I'm not a child. I can order my own juice :<
Maddison: it costs a lot of money to see a therapist but it costs 0 money to tell myself "it really do be like that sometimes"
Jessica: babe-
Coral: You think I can't fight because I'm a GIRL!
Joe: I think you can't fight because you're wearing a dress. For what it's worth, I don't think Matt could fight in that dress either.
Matt: Maybe not, but I would make a radiant bride.
Coral: We saved our best idea for last!!
Tai: If it's our best idea, why'd we save it for last?
Holly: Because we didn't think it was our best idea until all our other ideas turned out to be trash...