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Chris P.O.V

I was standing at jai's room door thinking of what I could say to her to get her to forgive me . I wasn't expecting jai to react the way she did but I can understand because I was once young before & walking in on your parents or someone having sex can be a digusting view . Even though she didn't see anything , she knew from the broad being naked that we did something .

I finally said fuck it & walked into jai's room . She was laying down in bed while on her phone . "Jai" I said . She didn't answer me . "Jai" I yelled . She didn't answer for the second time & it was pissing me off . " Jaidah motherfucking brown " . That caught her attention .
" what do you want Chris ? " she said . "I wanna talk to you , you don't even have to reply back just listen" she rolled her eyes & continued whatever she was doing on her phone which gave me the hint that she was all ears .

" Jai , you and royalty are the reason why I work so hard at what I do & my motivation to keep going because I have both of you to live for . You and your sister showed me what true love was . Every since y'all were born I was by y'all side & there through everything . You are my world , royalty is my world . There is no me without my other half's . I promise y'all make my heart complete. You two help me discover what unconditional love was , no matter what happens in life I will always love y'all ! That's what unconditional love is & I didn't understand that until you and royalty came into my life . " I said , At this point I was on the urge of tears . I sat there & just looked at her while she continued to scroll down her phone .

Jaidahs P.O.V

I was lost for words . Hearing what Chris said really warmed my heart because I never knew that he really felt that way about me . I thought he only loved royalty because she was with him almost everyday of his life unlike me . I shut Chris out of my life because he didn't introduce me to the world . I felt nothing but bad & guilty !

I looked up at him and saw that he was staring at me , He wasn't even blicking . He had tears rolling down his face non stop . I can't believe that he's hurting & crying because of me . I automatically looked away because I couldn't see him like that .

The doorbell rang which caught me & Chris off guard . He got up off the bed & wiped away the tears & left out the room leaving me still at lost for words .

Mama Joyce P.O.V

I rang the door bell & waited for Chris to come open the door for me & royalty . Minutes later Chris came to the door and looked like he had been crying . Royalty ran up to him and hugged his legs & he automatically picked her up and hugged her like he needed one . I just stand there with a confused look on my face because Chris never is sad . This gots to be serious !

"Royalty honey go to your room & play " . She ran off upstairs and I waited for her to be fully gone before I spoke up to Chris , "let me talk to you , in private " . He asked all of his friends to leave so we could talk . Once they were gone I spoke "Chris baby tell me what's going on , you look sad but mad at the same time ." He looked down before talking to me " It's nothing ma , I don't want to talk about it " he said . I looked at him and realized that he was serious and wasn't going to talk to me no matter what it was .

I left it alone and got up to leave the house . Once I was at the door I yelled out " I love you Chris & kiss royalty goodnight for me , & also you need to get in contact with jaidah " after I said that I left .

Chris P.O.V

I was so upset and sad at the same time just like my mother said . All I wanted to do was hold both of my babygirls in my arms but me and jai ain't talking right now . "Royalty " I yelled . "Yes daddy ? " she said as she came to the steps to see what I wanted . "Sleep with daddy tonight Ok " she looked at me and smiled and said " Anything for you daddy ! " I smiled .

"Daddy " royalty said while still at the steps . " Yes babygirl ? " I replied . "Who is that girl In the room ?" She asked . "That's your sister baby , that's your big sister , that's my other princess . " I said while trying not to break down . She looked at me like she was so excited about having another sister .

1 hour later ....
Jaidah P.O.V

I cried myself to sleep and woke up an hour later . I really wanted to say something to Chris while he was talking to me but I couldn't find the words . I still feel bad for the way I treated him but then again I do have my reasons I guess .

I went downstairs to watch t.v while my phone charged . I went into royalty room & saw that she was still up playing with her barbies , It was so cute to watch her play with her dolls , she had a beautiful imagination . Royalty saw me watching her & said "Hey sissy ! Daddy's sleep so it's just me & you ! " I looked at her trying to figure out what to say to her . "Yeah I guess it is .... royalty come on and chill out with me downstairs .. that's enough playing . " I said .

She got up and put her stuff away and cut her room lights off . We went downstairs and I put on frozen for the both of us . I looked over at royalty who was now sleep next to me & next thing you knew I was out .

To be continued...

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