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Jaidah P.O.V

"Royalty don't do that " I said taking the slime away from her

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"Royalty don't do that " I said taking the slime away from her . She pouted .

"Why can't I taste it " she said folding her arms .

"It has all type of chemicals in it that can kill you that's why " I said rolling my eyes . She twitched her face up in confusion . I sighed .

"Just don't put it in your mouth " .I gave her the slime back .

"Nooo ! I wanna go to the park or something " she said shoving the slime back towards me .

"Okay let's go but you have to dress warm " I said grabbing her hand leading her upstairs . I set her clothes out on the bed making sure not to get them dirty .

"Put this on " I said giving her the outfit . She nodded before taking it and putting it on . She grabbed her hat and glasses putting them on also .

"You so extra " I said laughing . She actually looked good though .

"Okay let's go " I said grabbing onto her hand walking downstairs and out the door

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"Okay let's go " I said grabbing onto her hand walking downstairs and out the door .


I sighed as I took a seat on the park bench . Royalty had me running around playing with her for an hour .

"Come onnn lets go play some more " royalty said running towards me breathing hard . I shook my head 'no' .

"Why not sissyyy " she whined hitting my legs .

"It's time to go anyway . You're clearly out of breath and so am I " I said breathing hard . She didn't put up a fight so it was easier to leave .

——————————- 15 minutes later

Royalty ran inside as I unlocked the door . I closed the door behind me before taking a seat on the couch . Never again will I take her to the park .

"Can I take my bath now " royalty said from the top of the stairs . I nodded and got up off the couch to get her night clothes ready .

"Hurry up so we won't be late to bed " I said closing the bathroom door . I went into my room closing the door behind me .

"Time for me to have me time " I said doing a little dance . I took my night clothes out as I listened to 'Luv Bug ' by Kevin gates .

I cut the shower on and instantly got sprayed in the face . Nobody but royalty would leave the shower on . I huffed before stepping in .


"Alright come on royalty " I said lying in my bed . I got out the shower 20 minutes ago and cut on a movie for us .

She slowly got in and laid on top of me . I started the movie as I cut the lamp off . As royalty watched the movie I scrolled through my Instagram feed .

As always Instagram was dry . I rolled my eyes before shutting my phone off . I pulled the covers over my head closing my eyes .

"Sissy " royalty said patting me . I sighed before taking my head from under the covers . She was looking at me .

"What ro " I said running a hand down my face .

"I love you " she said kissing my cheek . I smiled as I pulled her into a hug .

"I love you too " I mumbled before letting her go .



I have more Chris Brown books on my other account @rosieisfat ! Go check em out and give me feed back .

More chapters coming soon ....

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