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Jaidah P.O.V

"Aahh" I cried as my dad popped me with the belt .

"Now you know how to act right " he said putting his belt back on .

I cried silently as I sat on the couch . My legs are stinging and it hurt so bad . I've never had a whooping before so this was a first time experience.

"How does it feel to have your first ass whoopin " my dad said coming to sit beside me .

I moved away from him wiping my tears away . I knew I was gone face this shit one day .

"Looks like it did you well " . I rolled my eyes shaking my head .

"I didn't deserve that " I said through sobs . I really didn't deserve a whooping though .

"Of course you would say that but you did ". He pulled me into his side .

"You always slide with certain shit and I'm sick of trying to be a good parent by not discipline you but you asked for it " he said kissing my forehead .

I yanked myself out of his grip before stomping upstairs to my room . I jumped on my bed snuggling my face into the soft sheets as I cried . Some of you may think that I'm overreacting but when you've never had a whooping before , this is how it feels .


Chris P.O.V

"How did jai react to the new discipline " my mom asked through the phone .

I laughed just thinking about the way jai handled it .

"Well she didn't like it and she's pretty mad right now " I said laughing .

"Oh my gosh chris was it that bad " she said laughing .

"Yes ma , it was that bad " I spoke .

I sunk into the couch before running a hand down my face . I was tired out from the exercise and by exercise I mean jai .

"I see you're tired so I 'll call you later " . I hung up placing my phone on the empty couch cushion .

"I'm tired as fuck " I mumbled .

I laid flat out on the couch lying the pillows over me to keep me warm . I smushed my face into the soft pillow tops closing my eyes . The shit felt good as fuck at the moment .


Jaidah P.O.V

I groaned as I stretched my legs and arms . I checked the time to see that it was '6:00p.m ' . I sighed before throwing the covers off my body . I laid in bed a minute deciding rather or not I wanted to get up .

"Fuck it " I mumbled crawling out of bed .

I opened my room door walking down the aisle leading to the stairs . I walked downstairs as my feet made soft noises against the stairs . I went into the living room seeing pear darkness .

"What the fuck " I said cutting the lights on revealing my dad asleep on the couch . I covered my mouth with my hands while laughing . This dude look dumb as hell .

I seen his phone lying on the floor beneath him .

Grab his phone and reveal yourself to the world I thought .

I shook my head running a hand down my face . I couldn't listen to my thoughts because for one , they would lead me into trouble and two , I'll be doing it just to get pay back for the way he discipline me .

"Don't do it jai " . I walked over to his phone silently grabbing it . I shut the light off before dashing upstairs to my room locking the door .

I threw the phone on my bed as I pace around the room . It became hard for me to breath as I stared at the phone . My chest heaved up and down as I grabbed the phone .

I unlocked the phone with my face I.D . I went to his social media apps instantly clicking on Instagram. I went to his photos searching for a pic of me .

"Which one " I said looking across all the pictures .

"This one " . I clicked on the picture as I typed a caption. My fingers trembled as they reached the post button . I closed my eyes instantly hitting the post button .

"OH MY GOD " I yelled . I couldn't believe that I really just did that .


@mombreezyofficial , @ammika , @tyga , and 60,000 more

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@mombreezyofficial , @ammika , @tyga , and 60,000 more

@chrisbrownofficial : Ms.Brown💖

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