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*Continuing chapter 26*

Jaidah P.O.V

I flew downstairs to the kitchen gathering a pot of hot water

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I flew downstairs to the kitchen gathering a pot of hot water. I cut the stove on & placed the pot of water on top. I cut the aisle up high making sure the water boil fast. The water began to boil & I grabbed the pot off the stove.

"This will teach him not to lie to me." I smirked evilly.

I ran upstairs to the guest room & quietly shut the door behind me. I locked the door & ease towards the bed. I hovered over my father as he peacefully slept. I smiled innocently as I began pouring the hot boiling water on top of him.

"AHHH! WHAT THE FUCK!" He jerked up holding his back.

"How does it feel? Does it burn?" I snickered.

"YO, you need to chill." He pushed me back.

"Don't touch me." I demanded throwing the empty pot at him but he dodged it.

"You crazy as fuck."

"You the crazy one. I found you on the side of the street unstable but I'm crazy." I placed a hand on my hip.

"What the fuck you want? A reward? Money?"

"Money sounds nice but no. I want to know the full truth about last night." I sat on the end of the bed.

"I told you the truth." He lied.

"WRONG. You told me half the truth." I slapped his legs.


"Stop lying to me."

We sat in silence glaring at one another waiting for one of us to break. His eyes squinted which led me to know that he was first to break the stare.




".......Oh fucking right." He blinked.

"Now tell me."

"I ain't telling you. I'll tell Jaliyah but not you."

"You have to tell me." I whined bouncing on the bed.

"You 13 jai not a toddler." He crossed his arms.

"Okay. I'm going to wake my mama & if you lie to her I will do more than burn yo ass." I glared.


"Nothing." I yelled running toward my moms room.


Jaliyah P.O.V


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"Ma." Jai voice rung in my ears as she shook me.

"What." I groaned lifting up. A bitch can't ever sleep without disruption.

"Dad want to talk to you & it's important." She shook me again.

"I'm awake damn." I rolled my eyes getting out of bed.

"Thank you." She ran out the room.

"No problem." I grumbled with a hint of sarcasm in my voice.

I sloppily walked toward the guest room & pushed the door open revealing chris wet all over.

"The hell happened to you?" I laughed.

"Yo daughter is what happen. She poured boiling hot water all over me." He mugged.

"Well you did lie to her & she know it so what did you lie about?"

"I really didn't lie to her. I told her the part about me getting drunk but you & I both know that I can't just up & tell a 13 year old, 'I did drugs too' !"

"Yeah but now what am I suppose to tell her when I exit this room?" I question.

"A lie." He say blankly as if it's nothing to him.

"I'm not you! I don't keep secrets." I rattled.

"Okay. Go ahead & tell her the truth but just know it will hurt her."

"To spear her feelings, I'll lie." I sighed.

"Good girl." He pat the top of my head.

I smacked his hand away & stood up to leave but he pulled me back. My chest hit hard against his & he lowered his lips to my ear, "Thank you." He whispered & released me.

"Must be the drugs kicking in again." I exit the room slamming the door behind me.


Jaidah P.O.V

"What he say?" I ask eagerly bouncing on her bed.

"He told me the same thing he told you." She huffed.

I frowned a little, "so you believe him?"

"What he gotta lie fa jai? He don't owe you no explanation."

"He really do. What if the police found him like that? He'll go to jail for ion know how long." I cried, "I can't imagine life without him."

"Good thing we did find him." She embraced me in a hug.

"Ma?" I looked up at her.

"Hmm?" She rested her chin on my head.

"I don't believe you or him." I cried pushing her away from me. I ran to my room as hot tears streamed down my face. I slammed the door shut & slid to the floor crying into my hands.

"I'm sick of secrets." I cried into my hands.


Awww poor baby🥺🥺

•do y'all know how to do boomerangs because I'm sick of pictures & if so tell me in the comments.

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