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Jaliyah P.O.V

"Let me call chris

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"Let me call chris." I say, to nobody in particular. He been ghost since he drop me off yesterday.

I have his number on speed dial so I didn't have to type it in.

It rung for a while before he answered, "hello."

"Don't hello me nigga where the fuck you at?" I scream into the phone. Did he forget that we had a daughter to pick up?

"Im chilling at the house, why?"

"We have to pick jai up in 20 minutes." I say in a 'duh' tone.

"Oh." He say, as if he forgot. "I won't be able to go with you to pick her up, I have better things to do."

"What things? you said you cleared yo agenda for the week." I remind him, "remember?"

"Yeah well I lied." He continued, "it couldn't wait. It needed to be done."

"It could've been done another day! you knew we had things to do!"

"Like I said, it couldn't wait. I don't have to explain shit to you so stop questioning my actions."

"I honestly don't care no more. You can do you while I continue to be the hard working mother I am. You aren't needed anyway."

"If im not needed then why call my cellular device bitch asking me questions & shit? Obviously im needed but ima let you have this one."

"I fucking hate you. Stupid bastard. Get off my phone!"

"You called me bitch so how bout you end the call."

I slid my finger across the screen pressing the end button.

"I have to stay stress free so my baby won't be affected & jai won't pick up my energy." I breathe deeply.


Jaidah P.O.V

I pick at the stitches on my arm until my skin starts to burn & turn red

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I pick at the stitches on my arm until my skin starts to burn & turn red. The burning didn't hurt it just pleasures me.

"Please don't bleed." I plead as the needles start to lift. I felt a needle pop out of my skin making me yelp in pain.

"Ouch." I grip my arm tightly as blood began flowing out my arm.

"Jaidah!" The nurse run into the room quickly dashing across the room gathering paper towels, "what did you do?"

"I just messed with the needles a little bit." I admit. I watch as she place the paper towels over my arm stopping the blood.

"You can't do that. These stitches are still brand new."

"Well that arm casket makes it itch so I took it off."

"Learn to listen or else your arm won't heal." she throw the bloody towels away.

"Do you have to add more stitches? if so please don't tell my mom or dad."

"Luckily I don't have to add more. You only pulled one of them out so you should be good." she gently slide the casket over my arm.

"Are you gonna tell on me? you can't tell them or they won't trust me."

"Your secret is safe with me." she zip her lips.

"What secret?" My ma ask, entering the room.

"Nothing important." I answer back as I ease off the bed, "where's dad?"

"At home." she looks away, "he didn't come because he had plans for today but im pretty sure he wanted to come."

I don't know if she's lying or not so I just nod. I have to remember to play along with whatever she say so she can be happy with me.

"We have so much planned for you when you settle back in at home & a special someone wants to see you too."

Special? I can't think of anyone besides royalty that's special to me so if it's not her then I don't know who.

"I don't need a big welcome back home, it's not like I've been gone forever." I slide on my shoes & tie my hair into a ponytail.

"It's not that it's just we're happy to have that good side of you back."

"Can we just go home? I don't have time for sappy talk." I know they're not that happy to have me back home.

"I was waiting for you."


Chris P.O.V

I lied about my plans today

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I lied about my plans today. I really did cancel everything I just needed an excuse to stay home to have time to myself.

I took another hit of the blunt enjoying the smoke in my lungs. I began to cough so I exhale the smoke out my nose & mouth.

"Why would she try to kill herself?" I ask myself, "she knows how much I love her. I would give anything to make her happy."

I've been talking to myself for the past couple hours now. Probably because im high but being high is the only way to deal with the pain.

"I can't let her hurt herself. I won't be able to forgive myself if she died because of me. All because im being selfish." I silently cry, "I'll kill myself before I ever let that happen!"

I sit against the wall staring deeply into space. All I could think about was the fact that I could've lost my daughter. It would be a nightmare living without her or royalty. I can't imagine.

"I have to prove to my kids but specially jai that they are worth it. The real reason for my happiness. Not a dull moment is spent with them."



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