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Chris P.O.V

I just landed here in L.A 30 minutes ago . I'm currently on my way to my moms to get royalty and to explain to my mom about this DNA test . The shit so shocking but at the same time it's not .

I pulled into the driveway of my moms house and quickly got out making sure to lock my car doors . O gently knocked on the door before my mom came to open the door .

" Chris baby I missed you " my said as she kissed my cheek . I smiled and walked in the house . I felt something heavy hit my leg as I fell down .

"Dadddyyyy " royalty yelled bouncing on me . I laughed before getting up dusting myself off . I placed royalty on my hip while following my mom to the kitchen .

"Ma I need to tell you something but you may not believe me " I said placing royalty down . She quickly skipped to go play . I put my attention back on my mom .

"Chris baby what is it " she asked turning to face me . I don't know how ima explain this to her but hopefully she don't try to flip this shit on me .

"There's a possibility that jai could not be mine " I said as I hopped on the counter top . She looked at me curious before shaking her head laughing .

" Stop playing Chris and tell me the real news " she said while trying to control her laugh . I didn't find shit funny but yet she did .

"I'm not joking ma ! If you don't believe me then call Jaliyah she'll explain with ha cheating ass " I said hopping off the counter . Her face quickly went to a shocked face but I kept a straight one .

"I can't believe she would cheat on you but in the end this all effects jai " she said shaking her head in disbelief . I couldn't believe it either .

"Well the DNA results come in today " I said walking out the kitchen . I know y'all probably confused but when I first came back I quickly went to Jaliyah house to give her a swab of my DNA and she rushed it to the clinic .

"I hope she's yours " my mom mumbled . SHIT i hope she is too . I went upstairs to grab royalty so we could head to Jaliyah house .

"Roro lets go " I yelled while grabbing her bags . She stomped downstairs and brushed passed me rolling her eyes . I wanted to snatch her by her hair but I have to remember that she's my child and not an female in the streets .

"What's yo issue " I said to royalty as we exit my moms house . " I don't want to go " she huffed while getting in the car .

"We're going to see jai though so you should be happy " I mumbled to her while pulling off . She quickly smiled .

Jaidah P.O.V

"Jai I hope you're dressed " my mom said on the other side of the door . I rolled my eyes in irritation before telling her that I was dressed and ready .

Yes I knew about the whole DNA test thing and it all seemed dumb to me but it's not my choice . I can't believe this whole time Chris has been my dad but in the end ... Sev could also be my dad .

I was upset with my mom because why she didn't just tell chris in the first place about the cheating situation instead of waiting until she had a 13 year old daughter .

I looked in the mirror making sure I still looked cute before walking downstairs . Mike , my mom , and a lady was sitting on the couch holding the final results in her hands . I felt butterflies in my stomach as I sat on the couch patiently waiting on Chris to come .

Chris P.O.V

I pulled into the driveway before putting the car in park and grabbing royalty out . She dragged me to the front door as she knocked but basically she beated on the door .

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