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*This chapter contains 10 year old Jaliyah & 13 year old Chris.

*2 Month old jai


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Jaliyah P.O.V

"Why won't she stop crying?"

Jai has been crying for 5 minutes & I don't know what to do.

"Maybe you should give her your boobs." Chris chuckled.

"I never breast fed before. What if she bites it?" I panicked. I always gave her the formula so I wasn't quite comfortable with breast feeding.

"She has no teeth so you wouldn't feel anything but gums." He walked over to me & took jai out my arms.

"Let me show you how to do it."

"But boys don't produce milk." In school I was always told that women produce milk so I was a little confused.

"Just be quiet & watch."

I watched as he lowered jai's head towards his nipple & her mouth immediately attached to it. She was sucking hard on it causing his nipple to reddin.

"Aye, chill jai, I was just showing your uneducated mother how to give you the boobs." He laughed.

"So..... she gone suck my nipple off?"

"I give up.... just try it." He put a crying jai in my arms & grabbed my boobs out my sports bra.

I put a nipple to her mouth and she hungrily attached to it. I wiped the tears from her face & stared at her in awe.

"Stop staring you might scare her." chris chuckled.

I rolled my eyes & ignored his lack of humiliation.

———————————————-15 min later...

Chris P.O.V

"It's my turn to hold my baby." I reached for jai but Jaliyah pulled her back.

"Just a little more time...pweaseee." She begged.

"No." I smiled & took jai out her arms.

"We going to lay down on the sofa & by we I mean me and my child." I turned on my heels heading to the living room.

I laid jai softly on the sofa as I stare down at her. So innocent and small. I felt the need to protect her from this wicked world. Its my job as a father to protect her.

"Hey fat mama, it's daddy, I promise to protect you forever & make decisions based on you. Your love is so gentle and sweet. I hope to never hurt you & if I do, just know it's not intentionally." I locked her little fingers in mine.

"I love you..." I mumbled kissing her hand.


*Two chapters in one day, you welcome!

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