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3 days later...

Jaliyah P.O.V

"I can't wait to meet you

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"I can't wait to meet you." I rub my belly-bump, "so perfect."

"We gotta problem!" chris burst into the room.

"What the fuck!" I yell, embarrassed. I pull my shirt down quickly.

"That you pregnant!" he steps closer to me, "when?"

"Boy!" I push him back, "it ain't yo business."

"Fuck you mean! It ain't my business!" he slaps my hand away.

"You doing too much." I roll my eyes, "& stop hitting me."

"I do what the fuck I wanna do." he push me on the bed, "we gotta talk about this."

"Chill." I hold my belly, "I am pregnant."

he runs a hand down his face, "sorry."

"I know you sorry." I say, "but what does me being pregnant gotta do with you?"

"It has everything to do with me." he sits beside me, "I'm yo first child's father & if you pop out with you pregnant by mike then people gone assume that he's the father of jai."

"How do you know that?" I ask, still holding my bump.

"Do you think?" he thumps my forehead, "no one knows who your first child's father is."

"So." I shrug, "I still don't see a problem that revolves you."

"You my baby-mama but does anyone else know that besides yo family?"

"No." I huff.

"Exactly." he continues, "so if you tell people you're pregnant then I'll have to come out & explain that jai is my child."

"I thought you planned on doing that anyway?"

"I am." he explain, "but jai wants to handle things between us first."

"So what you want me to do?"

"I want you to tell mike first & him only until I reveal jai."


"So we straight?" he stands to leave.


——————————— 9 hours later...

Mike P.O.V

"I'm home bae

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"I'm home bae." I sing as I enter the room.

"Mhmm." she groaned, "you just now getting here?"

"Yeah." I take off my work uniform, "they gave me extra hours."

"Why?" she ask, in her sleepy voice.

"We were down a man so I took his spot for the night." I hop in bed.

"Oh." she turns to cuddle, "I got news for you."

"What is it?" I rub up & down her sides.

"Before I tell you." she push my hands lower, "how do you feel about a baby?"

"I would love to have a baby." I smile, "why?"

"Because i'm pregnant." she looks up at me for my reaction.

"You for real?!" I scream, excited.


"I love you so much." I plant kisses all over her belly, "thank youuuu."

"You welcome." she laughs.

"Let's tell my ma." I reach for my phone but jaliyah stops me.

"No. we can't."

"Why the fuck not?!" I ask, confused.

"I have to wait until chris tell the world about jai so the people won't be confused."

"Confused about what?"

"Who the father of jai is." she reminds me.

"Damn." I slap my forehead, "I forgot."

"I don't think it'll be long before he does though so you don't have to worry."

"I'm cool."


Again, another boring chapter.

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