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*This chapter involves 11 year old Jaliyah, 14 year old Chris, & 1 year old jai.

*Warning: Violence ahead.



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Jaliyah P.O.V

"Can you help me bathe jai?" I asked chris.

"You see I'm busy with school work right now. I can't stop now." he told me.

"Soooo... you not gone help me?"

"Obviously." he flicked the bird.

"When you done, your daughter will be in the bath tub waiting for you to wash her." I turned to leave.

"She betta be clean when I get done with this work or you & me will have problems." he threatened.

I gulped, "O-o-kk-y." I stuttered.

3 months ago chris started to have problems with his anger issues. Whenever he got mad he would choke me or slam my face into something, that's what he meant by problems. If he was to get mad he would lash out on me.

"Come on baby. Let mommy get you cleaned up." I said to jai lathering the towel with soap.

"Babababa aaa." jai babbled.

"Are you happy to take a bath?" I squeaked.

she jumped up & down clapping her hands.

"I guess that's a yes." I smiled.

————————————- 10 minutes later..

"Did you lay her clothes out for me?"


"You so annoying & irresponsible." I scoffed searching through the closet for pj's.

"What the fuck you just say?" he slammed the pencil down.

"Let's not start a fight in front of the baby." I continued looking through the clothes.

"Fuck that. Repeat what you just said." he stood behind me.

"Please not now." I wasn't in the mood to argue but more importantly, get beaten.

"Aight." He grabbed jai & took her across the hall to her room.

"What are you doing?" I turned around.

"Handling yo smart ass mouth." he closed the door.


Chris P.O.V

I grabbed a fist full of Jaliyah hair & slung her against the wall, "you really testing me bruh."

"Please stop." she cried.

"You was just tuff a few minutes ago. Where that confidence go?"


"ANSWER ME BITCH." I back-hand slapped her.

"I don't know." she sobbed wiping away the tears.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP PUSSY." I spit on her, "you lame ass hoe." I connected my fist with her face.

"Aah." she grabbed her jaw.

"The baby is crying." she flew for the door.

"I got jai. You stay here & clean your face." I told her leaving to attend jai.

"It's okay baby." I shushed her, "come on."

"Ma- ma." she called out.

"Mommy's busy." I kissed her cheek & sat her back in the crib.

I hate I can't control my anger. It makes me hurt the ones I love most & I never wanted to put my hands on any female. I take my anger out on Jaliyah instead of retrieving help.

"Im so sorry." I cried to Jaliyah, "I never want to hurt you."

"It's okay. I know it's not you. Just promise me you won't ever hurt jai. Physically or mentally." she held her pinky out.

"I promise." I connected my pinky with hers.



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