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Jaidah P.O.V

"I want the cinnamon swirl" I said pointing to the ice cone

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"I want the cinnamon swirl" I said pointing to the ice cone. Mike decided that it was time for me to get out the house so he brought me out for icecream.

"Thank you." I said politely as I grabbed my icecream. I twirled my tongue around the tip instantly tasting the cinnamon.

"Is it good." Mike laughed. I smacked his arm chuckling a bit before nodding my head. It was really good though.

"Damn , you ain't gotta be so abusive." He said rubbing the spot I hit him in. I didn't even hit him that hard so I know he lien.

"You a fool bruh I ain't even hit you hard." I sat down in the chair across from mike as he took his seat as well.

"You really did but aight."He spoke smacking his lips. He pulled his phone from his back pocket as his tatted arm relaxed against the table. He was mouthing words as he looked at the screen.

"Who that." I asked curious. I knew it could be my mom or his mom but they would've called.

"It's him." He pointed behind me. I turned around instantly recognizing those tatted arms, neck , and right hand. I noticed the freckles that fell equally on his cheeks and the nose pierces on both nostrils.

"Ugh why you here." I asked my dad. I haven't seen this man in over four weeks but he didn't bother to call or text so that shows his true colors.


Chris P.O.V

I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. I couldn't form the right words to say at the moment so shushing is what's best for right now.

"I'll leave y'all two to talk." Mike said dismissing himself. He dapped me up before walking to his car.

"You know we in public right ? Where people can see us." Jai spoke sarcastically.

"I'm not here for the sarcasm. I don't care about being in public right now and even if somebody did see us they wouldn't expect anything. I told them you were my niece." I respond taking a seat across from her.

"Of course you did. I don't see why you still bother to come around when you know the deal. I don't want you around me or near me." She spoke sternly.

"Well how you expect us to put things behind us if you too stuck up to do it." I asked. I need a real educational answer not 'I'm a secret' , I'm sick of hearing that.

"That's the point , I don't want to put things behind us. I want you to suffer the same pain you cause me. I cry myself to sleep every night all because I have a dead-beat father who doesn't take his kids feelings into consideration." My heart stung a little at the word 'dead beat'. I mean , am I really a dead-beat ?

"How am I a dead-beat ? A dead-beat is a man who doesn't step up to be a father. I was 13 when you were born. I was still in school and living with my parents but I still took care of you. Made sure you had everything under the sun but i'm a dead-beat !"

I felt the fire in my eyes build up with every word. My heart was racing while my mind was doing a 360.

"That was then , what about now ? You don't think about how you're hurting me. The only thing you care about is yourself and the career that pays you."

The way we were arguing you would think we're a married couple who needs therapy. Turns out it's just a father and daughter having a disagreement.

"That's not true. I tried so many times to tell you why you're a secret but it goes in one ear and out the other. You never listen to me when I'm trying to protect you from the real world. Yeah , being a secret may be hard but think about being released into the real world. They'll spit you out into the darkness as soon as you come into light." My chest pumped up and down as sweat beamed on my forehead.

I needed this conversation to happen. I wanted her to hear every word I had to throw out there. I had too much weight on my shoulders to carry.

"I don't care. I don't want to see you unless you're bringing royalty by. I don't need a father like you in my life and if you thought this conversation would make us on better terms than you're wrong." She spoke calmly.

She threw away the melted ice cream before hurrying to mike's car.

"Mane , that girl do too much." I pouted getting out the chair.


Mike P.O.V

"Aye , don't slam my door

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"Aye , don't slam my door." I said as jai got in the car.

"Why did you do that ? Why you call my dad just so we could talk. By the way , the talk only made things worse." She slumped back in her seat.

"I tried to do something nice for you. I put my pride to side and talked to him like a man should but I did it for you .... only." I pointed out. I wasn't doing this to get on chris 'good side' , I did it so jai wouldn't be down so much.

"You don't have to make sacrifices like that for me. He needs to know that I mean what I say and that he can't just win me over that fast. He expect every conversation to go well but not this time. " she shook her head.

"I feel ya though." I nodded. I know how it feels to have somebody not care about your feelings and play with your emotions. It ain't no joke dog.


Don't let these parts fool y'all😂 I only have 22 chapters not 30 ! - 💛

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