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*22 year old chris
*19 year old jaliyah
*9 year old jai
*1 year old royalty

*22 year old chris*19 year old jaliyah*9 year old jai*1 year old royalty——————————-

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Jaliyah P.O.V

"she's getting older chris not younger."

"I know that." he shrugs, "but she'll get use to it."

"Use to it?" I buck, "how can a child get use to an environment like this? Paparazzi popping out of no where, she can't even go outside with her own dad, & the lies you constantly feed to her!"

"why all of a sudden is this a big deal?" he glare at me, "huh?"

"It's toxic." I said, bluntly.


"she cries herself to sleep at night because she can't go out with you during the day. whenever you leave to else where, she wants to follow. when paparazzi snuck up on you, jai was watching & she feared that the people were going to hurt you. the lies you fill her head up with will affect her when she gets older."

"I can handle jai but lies, really? I tell her what I need her to think of people so she wouldn't try to run off outside or run into a stranger. I need her to fear the outer world."

"You know she looks up to YOU right? Not chris brown, but her dad. she copies everything you do & I mean everything. she's always acting silly & gets a kick out of annoying people, like you do. the funniest impression I ever seen her do of you was when you use to stutter." I shook my head, "are you understanding now?"

"To be honest, no. you can't tell me something about my daughter that I already know. I don't understand as to why you're telling me all of that anyway." he mocks, "thought it would ring a bell?"

"Ugh!" I throw my hands up in anger, "you're so childish! you can't even act mature for one minute!"

"Ok, since i'm acting so 'childish', tell me the real reason you want to have this conversation."

"I'm having this conversation so you can understand why I need to separate jai from you. not just you but the lies, secrets, & I can go on."

"Wait a damn minute!" he steps up to me, "take her away? From me? naw shawty. I don't know who putting this dumb shit in yo head but ima need you to stop listening to that bull."

"I decided that this is what's best for her. she has the imagination of candy & rainbows with unicorns. you think she's mentally ready for some shit like this? I think not."

"No I don't think she's ready which is why she's a secret. i'm doing everything I can to protect her at all cost but you have a problem with the way i'm handling it." he spits a little.

"That's because the way you're handling things isn't right! if you want her to be safe from this then let me take her away. you still can come around when needed or whenever you want to see her but far as that I need you to focus on the famous life & let us live our normal one."

"What about royalty? she needs her big sister. my mom? she needs jai in her life too. you can't just up & make decisions without thinking about other people that love her also."

"I thought about that too & it's different for them. Mama minds her own business & she's only known as your mom so there shouldn't be much problems with her. royalty is just a baby & i'm not selfish like that to keep her away from her sister."

"Ok." he taps his chin, nodding his head along, "then what? you take her away & all of a sudden she's free from this environment? I have paparazzi on my back 24/7. what if they follow me?"

"You thinking about all the negatives to this situation when I see positive written all over it. so what if they follow you? they don't know who you going to see."

"Your address will be out to the world if I was to get caught." he stank face me as if it's obvious.

"I don't care! I just don't want jai childhood ruined by all that."

"Fine. I give in. where are you trying to go?" he huffed.

"Just Beverly hills, California. It's only 25 minutes away from you which is good enough."

"Is she packed already?"

"Yup. I made her pack her bags when I first came up with the idea which was yesterday."

"I'll order the limo to come pick y'all up." he pulls out his phone.

"I'll go inform jai."

———————————5 minutes later...

"Knock Knock." I tap on the door.

"You can come in mommy. me & ro are playing dolls."

"You have everything packed right?" I step into the room.

"Yes." she huffs, placing royalty on her hip. "why are we moving mommy?"

"You're too young to understand our situation right now." I smile, softly.

"what about when I get big like the hulk? will I understand then?"

"Sadly you will."

"Sad?" she pouts, "why sad? i'm always happy so sad isn't in my vocabulary."

I laugh, "I don't literally mean sad but like I said, you're too young to understand."

"what about royalty?" she points to ro, "will she understand?"

"Ahhhhhh!" royalty starts shaking her head, violently.

"there's your answer."

"The limo is here." chris steps in, "let's roll."

"Grab your suitcase jai." I command as I grab my own.

"You grab it I have the baby." she exits the room.

I blow a breath before dragging her suitcase along.

"this is what's best for her future." I convince myself.


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