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1 week of therapy....

Robyn P.O.V

"Where the fuck you been?"

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"Where the fuck you been?"

"I've been busy at home chris." I say, placing my folders & voice recorder on the desk.

"Well I been locked up in this cell for 48 hours." he sigh, "bullshit."

"You're about to get out now, be quiet." I respond, with attitude.

"Don't be snapping on me cause yo man at home ain't giving you the d." He laughs, uncontrollably.

I slam my hands down on the desk, "you know what, let's box."

"You. Me. Fight. Naw." He assured me, "you don't want smoke."

"We not fighting." I tell him, "I have a women boxer who would love to box yo ass."

"I can't put my hands on another women." He shook his head, "I won't."

"Another?" I ask, curiously.

"That's a story for another day." he dismiss the topic.

"She's waiting for us in the gym." I say, "let's go."


——————————- 10 minutes later...

Chris P.O.V

"Why do we exercise outside if we have a gym?" I ask, what's the point of this gym?

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"Why do we exercise outside if we have a gym?" I ask, what's the point of this gym?

"You guys aren't allowed to be in the gym for reasons I do not know." she points out.

"Where's the boxer?" I sat beside her.

"She should've been here." she looked around, "oh there she is."

I turned my head in her direction & damn was I shocked, "ocean?"

"You know her?"

"Yes." I respond, dully.

"Hey rob." she greets us, "it's nice to see you again chris."

"Bitch we ain't cool." I shook my head, confused.

Robyn hit my arm, "be respectful."

"Sorry." I rub my arm.

"Are you ready to start?" Ocean questions.

"Yeah. I been waiting to beat yo ass." I smirk, "I won't be too ruff."

"Chris." Robyn hit my shoulder, again.

"Fuck you." I dust her lick off, "come on pussy cat."

———————————-2 minutes later..

Ocean P.O.V

"C'mon." he got in my face, "throw a punch."

"I don't want to hurt you." I huff.

"It's a little too late for that." he smiles, "you already did that."

"You still on that?" I question, fed up with his attitude.

"Fuck you mean, still on that? Damn right."

"I thought we agreed to move on?"

"I have moved on." he eyed me, "it still bothers me that's all."

"Let's drop the topic."

"Cool." he throws a punch, "let's box it out."

"Chrisss.." I drag on, I really didn't want to fight.


I put on my pink boxing gloves & tie my hair into a lose ponytail.

"I'm ready." I swing a punch at his face, "are you?"

"Always." he karate kick me in the stomach, "tuff."

I smile through the pain, "that soft ass lick."

"Aight." he swings again but I catch his fist in my hand & twist his arm back.

"FUCK." He cries out in pain.

"C'mon. Get out of my grip." I boost his ego.

"Let.Me.Go." he say through gritted teeth.

"Someone's mad.." I tease.

His face started to reddin out of pain or anger.

"LET ME GO." he yanked out of my grip, "I'm bout to beat yo ass."

I backed away, scared of what he might do. Chris can do some serious damage.

"Running now?" he evilly ask, "you really are pussy."

"Calm down chris." I could see the vein popping out his forehead.

"NO." he charged at me.

"STOP CHRIS." Robyn jumped infront of me.

"MOVE. I don't want to hurt you." he warn her but she refuses.

"I will not let you hurt her." she protest.

He flames with anger, "WHY NOT?!!"

"I got him ocean. Just go & don't come back."

"Don't worry about it. I won't." I smile, butt hurt.

———————————- 1 hour later...

Robyn P.O.V


"I can't." he cries out, "I can't."

"You have to." I remind him, "think about your kids & your future."

"FUCK THAT." he ranges with anger, "I NEED TO HURT SOMEONE."

"You already are, yourself." I laugh, sadly, "you are hurting you."

"SHUT UP." he grabs me by the neck, "yo voice annoying as fuck."

"Let go of my neck." I fume with anger.

"I'll snap yo neck." he grips tighter, "or maybe suffocate you."

I felt my breath hitch in my throat, "stop."

"I CAN'T."

"You will now." I stab the needle into his neck.

his body fell into my arms, "I'm sorry."


Thanks for 7k loves, 😘

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