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                                      Same Day !


Jaliyah P.O.V

"Ma I hate him

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"Ma I hate him." Jai cried into my shoulder. We were discussing what went down between her and chris.

"You don't hate him jai you just saying that out of anger." I spoke rubbing her back.

I know she upset but I won't allow her to believe that she hates her father when in reality she loves him.

"NO , I really do hate him. He doesn't understand why I do the things I do or act the way I do. I wish he would act more like a father instead of an artist. A father would understand my feelings and make things better but the only thing he cares about is his stupid career."I nodded understanding where she's coming from.

It was starting to piss me off that he didn't admire her feelings. She's obviously hurting from this but he's too into his career to notice. I understand that his fans come with a lot of criticism but he's a father before anything.

"I don't want a celebrity dad. I wish i had a normal dad with a normal life and maybe I wouldn't be a secret."she spoke wiping away her tears.

"Yeah , me too." I stroked her hair before kissing her forehead.


Chris P.O.V

"Alright come on." I said to royalty grabbing her hand. I slung her backpack over my shoulder before opening the car door for her.

"Thank you." She spoke softly. I smiled closing the door behind her. I needed to spend time with her since I didn't see her on Valentine's Day.

"Aight where you wanna go " I asked getting in the car starting the engine.

"THE PARK " she yelled.

"The park it is." I chuckled.


20 minutes later....

"Higher daddy." I pushed her lightly so she wouldn't go too high. I don't need her flying off the swing breaking any bones.

"The sky is so beautiful daddy."

"I know right." I said glancing at the sky.

"I remember when sissy brought me to the park and we laid down on the ground watching the clouds. It was so much fun but I haven't seen sissy in a while."

"Which sissy ro ." I asked.

"Jai." I nodded feeling a little guilty.

I knew jai probably hated me right now so I gave her the space she needed. I unfollowed her on instagram and stopped texting her. I felt that I needed to stop pressuring her and let her be. A voice in my head was telling me that she didn't love me anymore but I always blocked that voice out.

"Why haven't I seen sissy." Ro asked jumping off the swing.

"Sissy is mad at daddy right now but I promise you she'll come around." To be honest I wasn't sure if jai would forgive me or not.

"It's okay daddy. I won't ever be mad at you." She said wrapping her arms around my neck. I wrapped my arms around her little waist embracing her into a hug.

"I know princess." I kissed her forehead before pushing her back.

"Let daddy take a picture of you."


I snapped the picture as I smiled. I enjoyed being happy and right now ro is the reason for my happiness.

"Alright lets go ." She happily skipped my way grabbing my hand. She swung our hands back and forth as we walked. Moments like these are the ones you cherish the most. 


Liked by : @mombreezyofficial , @therealniaguzman , @chroyalty , and 70,000 more

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Liked by : @mombreezyofficial , @therealniaguzman , @chroyalty , and 70,000 more

@chrisbrownofficial : at least you love me 💞


Mike P.O.V

"You think jai will let me talk to ha." I asked jaliyah.

I seen the way jai been acting lately and honestly I felt bad. No father should ever be okay with their daughter hurting because of them. I may not have a bond with jai but I am her stepfather and it's also my job to make sure that she's happy.

"You can try but I doubt she'll let you talk to her." I nodded.

"Well , it won't hurt to try." I mumbled getting out of bed.

"Good luck."

"Ion need luck." I exit our bedroom walking toward jai's room.

"Jai." I knocked softly on the door.

"You can come in." She said sobbing. I twist the door knob opening the door. I seen jai in bed cuddled up to her 'chris brown' teddy bear that he gave her.

"I came to check on you." I sat at the edge of the bed.

"You don't have to feel sorry for me. I know my dad doesn't love me. " she sniffled.

"I do feel sorry for you. No child should feel hurt behind the person they call 'dad'. I know you hurting deeply because of him but I'm here for you."

"Thank you for being here but I don't want you to be. I need my real father here to console me. You didn't cause this trauma so you shouldn't have to put up with it. " I nodded slowly but I wanted to be here for her.

"I know me and yo dad ain't start off on good terms but neither did you and I. I want to fix my bond with you despite me and your father differences. The only thing that matters right now is me and you." She twist her lips to the side as her head hung low.

"You right. You didn't have to come in here to check on me but you did it anyway , so thank you. " she smiled climbing to the edge of the bed embracing me into a hug.

I shifted uncomfortably before hugging her back. I wasn't use to this type of affection from jai so it's gone take a while to adjust to.

"Now get out my room." She said playfully.

"With pleasure." I marked her tone.

I'm glad I got her to smile but even happier that we put our differences aside. If chris can't be the father she needs than I will.


Excuse any mistakes y'all😌

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