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Jaidah P.O.V

"Let's split into teams

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"Let's split into teams." I suggested, "it would be fair."

"It's too many people here." my grandma spoke up, "how about the women on one team & the men on one team."

"That can work." I shrug, "but me & daddy are the leaders."

"We know." my ma roll her eyes, "it's nothing new."

"ok let's split up." I round all the women together as my dad round the men.

—————————-2 minutes later..

"ready ladies..." I turn to them with a smirk.

"READY!" they get into defensive mode.

"Wait..." my dad say, "slow the fuck down. We need rules."

rules?!! "Rules for what?"

"Rules will make the game fair so that we all can have the equal amount of power."

"Women have power over men & that's just period." my ma steps infront of me.

"That's in your world. but in ours, we have the power."

"Just tell me the rules." I said, aggravated. it's not that serious.

"Each team will have 50 foods in total & if we hit one of your teammates then that person is out." he smirks, "the last person standing wins a million."

"I knew money was involved some how." I sigh, "which isn't fair."


"Everyone will be trying to win for the money instead of focusing on the real reason we agreed to do this, for the fun!"

"Stop being so lame." my aunt elbow me, "get into it, boss."

"Deal?" my dad struck his hand for me to shake.

"I thought those were the rules? how is that a deal?"

"I say it's a deal because you don't like my idea which means you would cheat."

"fine." I shake his hand, "but don't play me."

"never princess." he winks.

I put my focus back on the ladies, "let's get our food trays & set up protective hiding spots."

"Are the men doing that?" my little cousin, lexis asked.

"Nope. It's all my idea."


Chris P.O.V


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