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*Next day of ch.24 *


Chris P.O.V

"Ughh." I groaned lifting up but my head slammed right back onto the bed. I rubbed my temples to calm the pain as the sunlight beamed on my shirtless chest.

I took a moment to admire my surroundings noticing i wasn't in my bed. I was covered in a silk pink blanket with teddy- bears as pillows. The walls were HOT pink along with a rug beside the bed.

The fuck?!!

"WHERE THE HELL AM I?!!" I hissed. I groaned beginning to rub my temples again. I really shouldn't yell while dealing with a hangover.

"Stop yelling before you wake my mom & step-daddy up." Jai burst into the room.

"Here. Drink up & swallow the pill but don't choke because I refuse to do cpr." She demanded placing the glass of water on the table & gave me the pill.

I wanted to question her actions but decided against it, "Thank you."

I tossed the pill at the back of my throat before gulping the water down. I placed the empty glass on the coffee table & sighed lying back down.

"Sooooo... you don't want to know how you got here?"

I sighed shifting all my body weight onto my elbow, I mean did I really have a choice? Knowing her she would tell me anyway.

"Well , we found you drunk last night at a liquor store & you were pretty wasted too. You couldn't even control yourself like , you were unstable." She continued, "What else did you do besides drink?"

I mentally rolled my eyes knowing I would have to tell her the full story. Wait , no I don't , she's 13 which means some stuff she shouldn't know.

"I promise I didn't do nothing beside drink liquor." I half lied. I got wasted last night but I didn't mention the part about me doing drugs.

"Okay."she stated but it came out more like a question.

"You don't believe me?"

"Ineversaidididn't" she rushed out quickly grabbing the glass off the table exiting the room.

"I'm starting to think her ass the one that took drugs." I laid back down.


Jaidah P.O.V

I can't believe he lied to me

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I can't believe he lied to me. I know he did more than just drink last night but I can't think of what.

"Ma." I knocked softly at her door.

"Damn jai what." She huffed opening the door revealing her morning slumber.

"Dad just lied to me." I rushed into her room sitting at the edge of the bed.

"About what exactly?" She closed the door.

"What if mike hears me?" I ask pointing to mike asleep on the bed.

"I don't have all morning."

"Okay , he lied to me about last night. He claim that he only got drunk but I know my father & if you know his history of partying then you know he don't just drink." I claim.

"Oh now he yo daddy again?" She smirked.

"You annoying but I'm serious."

"What you want me to do?"

"That's yo baby-daddy so you go talk the truth out of him." I crossed my arms.

"It's 9:00 in the morning & you want to start this mystery case shit."

"Yes." I smiled sweetly.

"GET OUT." She barked & I quickly flew for the door.


❤️A lot of y'all been asking about ocean & she's coming up soon...

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