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Chris P.O.V

"You came right on time." Mike opened the door.

"On time for what?" I ask, curiously.

"This ass whooping." He swung at me.

I ducked & punched him in the abdomen, "bitch ass nigga."

"I can show you a bitch." He swung again, but I caught it in my hand.

"You weak my nigga." I say through gritted teeth.

He laughed, "word?"

"STOP!" Jaliyah yelled, "let him go chris."

"Is he gone swing on me again?"

"NO." She snatched his fist from my hold.

"Aight." I back away, giving them space.

"Why you here anyway chris?" she blew a breath, "you not welcomed here."

"Clearly I don't care." I sat on the couch, "we need to talk." I pointed between us two.


"I'm leaving." I admit, "& I'm here to explain where & why."

"We listening.." Mike add in.

"Nigga bye." I dismissed him, "c'mon lele."

Lele was Jaliyah nickname I gave her when we were together.

"Don't call me that shit." she followed behind me.


Jaidah P.O.V

I haven't been crying as much anymore. I still think about that night but it doesn't affect me as much. I just thank god that I got a chance to get away.

I'm not so closed up now, i thought.

"What happen to you?" I rushed over to my step-daddy.

"Yo daddy is what happen." he groaned, holding his stomach.

"Huh?" I ask, confused.

"We got into a little fight."

I gasped, "a fight?", "but why?"

"I came at him first & he fought back."

"Oh." was all I could say.

"Where is he now?"

"Outside with your mom." he clenched his teeth, "he's leaving."


"I don't know."

"I'll find out myself." I look around for my parents.

—————————5 minutes later..

"Found em." I mumbled, they were out on the patio.

"Hi." I disrupted their conversation, "let's talk as a family."

"Grown-ups are talking." My dad tell me.

"So." I hump my shoulders, "does it concern me?"

"No." My ma say.

"I think it does." I add in, "especially if he's leaving without knowing the truth."

"The truth about what?" they ask in unison.

"When daddy left me to walk home alone."

"That shit is dead bruh. I'm past that." He wave me off.

"You won't be after I tell you what could've happened to me." I crossed my arms.

"Fine. Tell us." They sat down.

"Gladly." I shut the patio door.

Jaliyah P.O.V

"Is it something bad?" I ask, nervous

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"Is it something bad?" I ask, nervous.

"I wouldn't say bad. I'll say terrifying."

"That's worse." chris reply for me.

"Yeah well, life goes on." jai smiles, a fake smile.

"Where should I start?"

"Start wherever you need to." I assure her.

"Okay... when I left skyzone to walk home, I didn't know where I was going & it was super dark out."

"-wait, why didn't you call me?"

"No one answered, now can I continue?"

I nodded, "yeah."

"As I was walking to else where." She paused, " A man in a truck stopped beside me & asked if I needed a ride home & I told him no."

"-so you really left her to walk alone?" I turn to chris.

"Yeah." He reply, dryly.

"Continue baby." I smiled.

"Then, I started to walk again but he followed closely behind me. I got upset & stopped to say a few words to him." She smiled, innocently, " the words I said wasn't kind & he didn't like them. He got out the car & confronted me."

"-did he say anything?" Chris ask, worried.

"If y'all quit disrupting me I can tell you." She sassed.

"He told me that he wanted one thing that every women has, my lady part." she confessed, "I begged but it didn't work so I shook my head 'no' & ran. He chased me but luckily I got away."

A tear slid down my cheek, "you could've been raped."

"FUCK!" chris cried, "DAMN!"

"You could've been told me." I shake my head, "why jai?"

"I didn't have the strength to tell anyone."

"I'm so sorry jai baby." chris sobbed to her, "this is why i'm leaving. I have to learn to control my anger & therapy will help me do that . When I return.. I promise to fix things with us permanently." & with that... he left.

"Is he really gone?" jai cried, "mom?"

"Not for long." I smiled through tears.

🦋- i like this chapter so much better.

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