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*18 year old chris
*5 year old jai



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Chris P.O.V

"What you writing?" I ask jai as she wrote in her princess diary.

"I can't tell you daddy." she giggled, "only I can know."

I pouted, "why can't daddy know?"

"It's a diary dad." she points to the small notebook, "I write my secrets & wonders in here."

"How about we make a deal." I request, "if you tell me one secret, I'll tell you one too."

She smiles, excited, "really? you have secrets too daddy?"

"Everyone has secrets." I claim, "now are you gonna tell me or no?"

"You can't tell anyone." she zips her lips.

I repeat her gestures, "I won't."

she passed me her diary, "here."

"You want me to read it out loud to you?"

"Yes please." she say, politely.

"Alright." I began, "I always wondered how it feels to be in the spotlight. my dad, chris brown is always out in front of millions of people doing what he do best, sing." I continue, "I wish I could be as brave as he is & show the world who i truly am. the world doesn't know me yet but I can make a change. We all can."

"That's enough secrets for now." she reaches for her book, "can I have it now?"

"Sure baby." I give it back to her, "that's one deep secret."

she straight face me, "it is?"

I chuckle, "yeah."


"Let me see." I tap my chin, "what's your biggest fear?"

"Monsters." her eyes buck wide, "& bugs."

hmm, "you're mostly afraid of the world, right?"


"Your diary saids other wise." I inform her, "you're too young to understand your own feelings."

"I do understand daddy." she respond, "I'm afraid of what other people may think. what if the people across the world doesn't like me? Everyone likes you because you're 'chris brown' but I'm a nobody."

"You are somebody." I assure her, "don't let others tell you different."

"Who am I daddy?"

"you're JAIDAH BROWN. The next big thing."

She smiles, "does that mean the world will like me?"

"No." & her smile falls, "not everyone are nice people jai. some people are so delusional that they say negative things just to hurt others."

"Will you be there to protect me from the bad people?" she crawls onto my lap, "I need my prince there to protect his princess."


💓- Thanks for 9k.

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