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1st day of therapy...

Chris P.O.V


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"Omg. It's Chris brown."

"Damn..he finer in person."

"Can I have a picture."

"We gone have a lot of fun now."

I ignored all the stupidity & continued walking toward my therapist room.

"Room 112, 113..." I counted the room numbers, "aah 116."

I enter the room silently, "hello?"

"Back here christopher." A voice called out, "to your left."

"Oh." I say dumbfounded. I walk down the hall to the left seeing a gorgeous lady sitting behind a desk.

"It's nice to meet you." She struck her hand out, "I'm your therapist, robyn."

I shook her hand, "nice to meet you too."

"Lets get started." she grabbed my hand, "c'mon."


Robyn P.O.V

Who knew he'll be this fine in person, I thought

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Who knew he'll be this fine in person, I thought.

"Let's start off with why you're here." I started, "tell me a little about your background."

"Didn't you read my folder?" he asked, annoyed.

I did but I couldn't tell him that, "no."

I wanted more information about him.

He huffed, "whatever."

"Don't give me attitude. Let's go." I rotated my pin at him.

"I have a short temper." He say, "I can't control it."

"That's a good start." I gave a tight lip smile, "is there more?"

"Yeah. Since I can't control my anger it causes me to lash out on my daughter or hurt her in ways I never knew could hurt."

I was told he had 2 daughters but in the folder it mentioned 1.

"How many kids do you have?"

"I have one." he lied.

mmm, "Liar."

"What?" He raised his voice, "what you talking bout?"

"I was told that you have 2 daughters." I inform him, "in the folders it read you only have 1."

"Damn." He mumbled, "how the hell this bitch find out."

"I can still hear you." I roll my eyes, "I can also punish you for the way you talk to me."

"Punish me?" He mugged, "how?"

"I can put you in the hole, Starve you, or increase your time here." I smirked.

"Wow. I fear that shit." He say sarcastically, "this shit bore me."

"This is just the first day." I say, "it gets harder."


"Yes. Being chained down to a bed for a long time can be stressful & then you start to go crazy."

"But I don't have to be chained. I'm not psycho." He laughs.

"You may not be psycho but your anger can take over & you lose control."

"That's why I have you to help control that." He eyes me.

"Of course." I smile politely, "sometimes we will give you medication."

"Hell Naw. I ain't sign up for that shit." He say, aggressively.

"You signed up for help & that's what the medication is for."

"Yeah well as you know, I have 2 daughters back home so don't try to drug me."

"I can drug you in different ways." I mumbled, it was a sexual reply but he didn't hear me.

"Aight. Where do I go now?"

"To your room cell & you stay there until your next appointment." I gather up my papers & voice recorder.

"THE FUCK?!" He pop his neck, "I ain't staying in there for no damn decade."

"Chill. You get to come out for lunch, breakfast, & to call your family."

"& how many hours are they apart."

"There all 5 hours apart." I sigh.

"Ima be a skeleton by then. I'm already skinny." He scanned his body.

"You're chris brown. Sing or do art if you get bored. Now let's go." I drag him along.

"I hate therapy." He pouted as I drag him through the exit.

"This cant be the chris brown I know."



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